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发表于 2015-9-18 13:49:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 100 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  .English _____all over the worl; And many children start to learn English at very young age.
A. isspeaking
B. speaking
C. speaks
D. isspoken
      满分:1  分
2.  A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.
A. interviewed
B. hasbeinginterviewed
C. isbeinginterviewed
D. interviewing
      满分:1  分
3.  The mere fact _______ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. why
      满分:1  分
4.  There  is  not  much  time  left,   so   I  will  tell  you  about  it
A. in detail
B. in brief
C. in short
D. in all
      满分:1  分
5.  The newcomers found it impossible to ______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordinate
      满分:1  分
6.  ______haste, ______spee;
A. More,less
B. Much,little
C. Themore,theless
D. Themuch,thelittle
      满分:1  分
7.  The murderer _____ prison for ten years.
A. hasbeenputin
B. hasbeenin
C. hasgoneto
D. hascomeoutof
      满分:1  分
8.  She has the ability to keep _____in an emergency.
A. calmly
B. calm
C. tobecalm
D. beingcalm
      满分:1  分
9.  I think the _____ invention is a mobile phone. What about you?
A. helpful
B. morehelpful
C. helpfulest
D. mosthelpful
      满分:1  分
10.  John bought a new car on the day when ____him.
A. did we meet
B. have met
C. we met
D. we meet
      满分:1  分
11.  From the dates ____ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty.
A. havingbeenmarked
B. wasmarked
C. marked
D. hadmarked
      满分:1  分
12.  Chen Kun’s first album (唱片)will _________ in November.
A. getout
B. giveout
C. putout
D. comeout
      满分:1  分
13.  They ______in one class for two years but they still can’t get along well with each other.
A. hadbeenstudied
B. havebeenstudying
C. havingbeenstudying
D. havingbeenstudied
      满分:1  分
14.  Every morning I go _____school by bike.
A. the
B. for
C. to
D. X
      满分:1  分
15.  .It is _____interesting book. It gives _____wonderful picture of what _____ life was like in ____ Victorian times.
A. a,the,the,the
B. an,a,╳,the
C. the,the,╳, ╳
D. an, a, ╳,╳
      满分:1  分
16.  Some birds migrate to the south when________.
A. Doeswintercome
B. comeswinter
C. wintercomes
D. winterwillcome
      满分:1  分
17.  _____how to drive a car a few years ago, But I forget now because I haven’t had this chance for many years.
A. Did I really learn
B. I have really learned
C. I really learn
D. I did learn
      满分:1  分
18.  It’s a good problem for them _________.
A. tobeworkingout
B. workout
C. toworkout
D. tohaveworkout
      满分:1  分
19.  If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.
A. overcomes
B. isovercome
C. hasbeenovercome
D. didovercome
      满分:1  分
20.  ______, I finished it yesterday.
A. Asamatteroffact
B. Asthematteroffact
C. Asthefactofmatter
D. Asafactofmatter
      满分:1  分
21.  She quickened her pace in order that she ______ with the others.
A. musthavestudied
B. mightstudy
C. havestudied
D. wouldstudy
      满分:1  分
22.  Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.
A. maximum
B. minority
C. majority
D. minimum
      满分:1  分
23.  Living in the central Australian desert has its problems,______ obtaining water is not the least.
A. for which
B. to which
C. of which
D. in which
      满分:1  分
24.  It is only when you nearly lose someone ______ fully conscious of how much you value him.
A. do you become
B. then you become
C. that you become
D. have you become
      满分:1  分
25.  Very few scientists _______ with completely new answers to
A. comeround
B. comein
C. comeup
D. comeon
      满分:1  分
26.  _____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.
A. Notknow
B. Knownot
C. Knowingnot
D. Notknowing
      满分:1  分
27.  The moon _____ the tides.
A. influencing
B. influences
C. isinfluenced
D. wasinfluenced
      满分:1  分
28.  Food here is cheaper than Britain: clothing, ____ is dearer.
A. on the other hand
B. on other hands
C. on another hand
D. on either hand
      满分:1  分
29.  The light is still on, She ______to sleep.
A. shouldhavegone
B. can’thavegone
C. mustn’thavegone
D. needn’thavegone
      满分:1  分
30.  Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United States and Europe well before 1900.
A. were conducted
B. were conducteing
C. has been conducted
D. is conducted
      满分:1  分
31.  Are you _____ spending more money on the space program?
A. infavorof
B. byfavorof
C. infavorto
D. outoffavor
      满分:1  分
32.  If you are too____ of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.
A. respective
B. detective
C. protective
D. effective.
      满分:1  分
33.  Don’t smoke until the plane _____off.
A. takes
B. took
C. has taken
D. had taken
      满分:1  分
34.  The mad man was put in the soft padded cell lest he ______ himself
A. injure
B. had injured
C. injured
D. would injure
      满分:1  分
35.  Wine is absolutely ______to all children.
A. forbid
B. forbade
C. forbad
D. forbidding
      满分:1  分
36.  Under this ______ pressure some of the rocks even became liqui;
A. intensive
B. weighty
C. intense
D. bulky
      满分:1  分
37.  There are _____on the hill.
A. sheepes
B. sheeps
C. a sheep
D. sheep
      满分:1  分
38.  You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ____be so rude to a lady.
A. might
B. need
C. should
D. would
      满分:1  分
39.  ______ remains to be seen whether he can speak fluent English.
A. That
B. This
C. It
D. What
      满分:1  分
40.  With the old man _____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
A. leading
B. led
C. lead
D. tobeled
      满分:1  分
41.  Are you learning any other foreign language ____English.
A. besides
B. except
C. exceptfor
D. beside
      满分:1  分
42.  After a few months of construction, our school _____ a new look.
A. carried on
B. took on
C. kept on
D. had on
      满分:1  分
43.  The pressure _______ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.
A. tocompete
B. competing
C. tobecompeted
D. havingcompeted
      满分:1  分
44.  Lily would never forget the evening ____ she lost the ring.
A. which
B. when
C. at which
D. where
      满分:1  分
45.  The eldest child is thoroughly ______ because they always give him whatever he wants.
A. wasted
B. spoiled
C. destroyed
D. uneducated
      满分:1  分
46.  We even have no idea ____will happen, so we all feel nervous.
A. in which
B. in what
C. of what
D. of which
      满分:1  分
47.  Was it because it rained last night ______he didn’t come?
A. why
B. when
C. that
D. then
      满分:1  分
48.  _______ the gas shortage, I'm going to buy a compact car this year.
A. In front of
B. In place of
C. In terms of
D. In view of
      满分:1  分
49.  Since he spent his childhood in France, Jack is able to converse in French ______.
A. rathergood
B. ratherwell
C. fairlybetter
D. quitebetter
      满分:1  分
50.  She _____down and soon fell asleep.
A. lied
B. laid
C. lain
D. lay
      满分:1  分
51.  The book ______interesting , but it’s very instructive.
A. can’t be
B. may not be
C. should not be
D. might be
      满分:1  分
52.  The thief _____ had I remembered to close the door.
A. wouldnotgetin
B. hadn'tgotin
C. didn'tgetin
D. wouldnothavegotin
      满分:1  分
53.  If you told us _____he was, we would decide in the meeting whether he might be employe;
A. whom
B. who
C. whomever
D. that
      满分:1  分
54.  There is a fully ______ health center on the ground floor of the main office building.
A. installed
B. equipped
C. provided
D. projected
      满分:1  分
55.  A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.
A. interviewed
B. has being interviewed
C. is being interviewed
D. interviewing
      满分:1  分
56.  The door was _____and I could not see who she was talking to.
A. shut
B. shutted
C. shutting
D. being shut
      满分:1  分
57.  The government is trying to do something to _______ better understanding between the two countries.
A. raise
B. promote
C. heighten
D. increase
      满分:1  分
58.  Tim seems _____about something .
A. beangry
B. angrily
C. veryangrily
D. angry
      满分:1  分
59.  All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _______ they keep from someone they talk with.
A. distance
B. scope
C. range
D. boundary
      满分:1  分
60.  The film today is much more interesting than ______yesterday.
A. that
B. it
C. one
D. the one
      满分:1  分
61.  Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, _______the color of his skin.
A. withtheexceptionof
B. inthelightof
C. byvirtueof
D. regardlessof
      满分:1  分
62.  Vitamins are complex _______ that the body requires in very small mounts.
A. matters
B. materials
C. particles
D. substances
      满分:1  分
63.  It makes good_____ to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.
A. sense
B. reason
C. suggestion
D. advice
      满分:1  分
64.  Let us pass,?
A. shan’t we
B. shall we
C. won’t we
D. will you
      满分:1  分
65.  We’ll have to hurry. There’s not _____time left.
A. much
B. many
C. lots of
D. a lot of
      满分:1  分
66.  They left in ____ a hurry ______they forget to leave her a message.
A. so…..that
B. such……that
C. so……therefore
D. 不填……suchthat
      满分:1  分
67.  More than half a century after his death, he continues _____.
A. toberead
B. read
C. tohaveread
D. reading
      满分:1  分
68.  They________ have told me about it yesterday.
A. oughtedto
B. oughted
C. oughtto
D. ought
      满分:1  分
69.  ----“Can I have a look at this pair of shoes ?” -----“_________.”
A. Hereitis.
B. Hereyouare.
C. Hereareyou.
D. Itishere
      满分:1  分
70.  The government is trying to do something to _______ better understanding between the two countries.
A. raise
B. promote
C. heighten
D. increase
      满分:1  分
71.  Gold has been highly prized throughout the ages due chiefly to ______.
A. itisscarce
B. soscarceisit
C. itsscarcity
D. scarcityofit
      满分:1  分
72.  We will ask the man ______
A. providingfoodforus
B. toprovidefoodwithus
C. providinguswithfood
D. toprovidefoodforus
      满分:1  分
73.  She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.
A. has been doing
B. is doing
C. has done
D. did
      满分:1  分
74.  Nowhere else in the world _____ more attractive scenery than in Switzerlan;
A. you can find
B. is found
C. can you find
D. has been found
      满分:1  分
75.  It is only when you nearly lose someone ______ fully conscious of how much you value him.
A. doyoubecome
B. thenyoubecome
C. thatyoubecome
D. haveyoubecome
      满分:1  分
76.  The box is ______than I wante;
A. biger
B. the biger
C. bigger
D. the bigger
      满分:1  分
77.  Once environmental damage _______, it takes many years for the system to recover.
A. hasdone
B. istodo
C. does
D. isdone
      满分:1  分
78.  Looking at my determined face, the big boy ____pick up the fight.
A. daresnot
B. darenot
C. doesn'tdare
D. daresnotto
      满分:1  分
79.  Sandy could do nothing but _____ to his teacher that he was wrong.
A. admit
B. admitted
C. admitting
D. toadmit
      满分:1  分
80.  _____has recently been done to fight against the terrible drought, a shortage of water remains a serious problem.
A. That
B. Despitewhat
C. What
D. Thoughwhat
      满分:1  分
81.  They worship the film and singing stars, ______than their own parents
A. far more greatly
B. very more greatly
C. a little greatly
D. much greater
      满分:1  分
82.  The tape-recorder ______.
A. is not worked
B. can’t be worked
C. doesn’t work
D. isn’t work
      满分:1  分
83.  The music would stop at intervals, then ______ after a while.
A. restore
B. recover
C. resume
D. assume
      满分:1  分
84.  The strong beam of light from a light house is used by sailors _______.
A. todeterminingtheirlocation
B. indeterminingtheirlocation
C. withdeterminingtheirlocation
D. whiledeterminingtheirlocation
      满分:1  分
85.  It is necessary that he ______sent there at once
A. will be
B. is
C. is to be
D. be
      满分:1  分
86.  _____embarrassed you is perhaps unavoidable in our life.
A. That
B. Which
C. It
D. What
      满分:1  分
87.  John starts his new school tomorrow. I’m sure he _______ it.
A. enjoys
B. willenjoy
C. isenjoying
D. wasenjoyed
      满分:1  分
88.  It is high time that all of you to be;
A. go
B. willgo
C. mustgo
D. went
      满分:1  分
89.  Mary said she____ to Beijing twice.
A. had gone
B. want
C. had been
D. was
      满分:1  分
90.  If people feel hopeless, they don't bother to ________ the skills they need to succee;
A. adopt
B. accumulate
C. acquire
D. assemble
      满分:1  分
91.  . ___________ is necessary for modern society.
A. Buy and sell
B. Bought and sold
C. Buy and sells
D. Buying and selling
      满分:1  分
92.  We left the mother a note ____she was worried when she came back..
A. if
B. so that
C. in case
D. unless
      满分:1  分
93.  . _____the problem, the leaders should take the following points into account.
A. When considered
B. While considering
C. Considered
D. Having been considering
      满分:1  分
94.  ______an disagreement among the teachers as to the feasibility of this schedule.
A. Therehad
B. Theyhad
C. Itappeared
D. Thereappeared
      满分:1  分
95.  My bicycle needs ______
A. repaired
B. repairing
C. torepair
D. beingrepaire
      满分:1  分
96.  Stars are so far away that they are ______ spots of light when seen from the earth.
A. nothingmoreas
B. nothingmorethan
C. nothingmuchas
D. nomoreas
      满分:1  分
97.  Wells made us believe the fact _____the scientific knowledge is the key to our own future.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. why
      满分:1  分
98.  We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____back next week.
A. will come
B. came
C. would come
D. come
      满分:1  分
99.  ____neglecting our education, my father sent me to school.
A. Tobeaccusedof
B. Toaccusedof
C. Accusingof
D. Accusedof
      满分:1  分
100.  The music would stop at intervals, then ______ after a while.
A. restore
B. recover
C. resume
D. assume
      满分:1  分
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