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发表于 2016-6-16 17:41:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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单选题 判断题  

一、单选题(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。)V 1.  Westerners are said to be( )in interpersonal behavior.
A. direct
B. indirect
C. linear
D. spiral
      满分:2  分
2.  Since we have a focused subject, we should not talk_______.
A. at once
B. at hand
C. at intervals
D. at random
      满分:2  分
3.  Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers __ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.
A. where
B. when
C.  who
D. which
      满分:2  分
4.  In English culture, privacy is regarded as part of( ).
A. human nature
B. human desire
C. human rights
D. individualism
      满分:2  分
5.  _______leisure was generally considered a waste of time.
A. Not until recently
B. Not recently
C. Until recently
D. Recently until
      满分:2  分
6.  In Britain, the best season of the year is probably_____spring.
A. later
B. last
C. latter
D. late
      满分:2  分
7.  ( )is the inherent quality of the ass, as seen by native speakers of English or Chinese.
A. Timidity
B. Stupidity
C. Stubbornness
D. Strength
      满分:2  分
8.  No matter how frequently______, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.
A. performing
B. performed
C. to be performed
D. being performed
      满分:2  分
9.  Companies are struggling to find the right____between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.
A. equation
B. formula
C. balance
D. pattern
      满分:2  分
10.  When westerns introduce one person to others, they( ).
A. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the positive or rank
B. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position and rank first, then his name
C. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the position or rank
D. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position or rank first, then his name
      满分:2  分
11.  ____is the name given to a young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institution and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress, etc.
A. Duke
B. Cowboy
C. Hippie
D. Knight
      满分:2  分
12.  It is recommended that the project______until all the preparations have been made.
A. is not started
B. will not be started
C. not be started
D. is not to be started
      满分:2  分
13.  Mark often attempts to escape______whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A. having been fined
B. to have been fined
C. to be fined
D. being fined
      满分:2  分
14.  Liquids are like solids______they have a definite volume.
A. in that
B. for that
C. with that
D. at that
      满分:2  分
15.  ____refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.
A. Honorifics
B. Terms of humility
C. Euphemisms
D. Verbal taboos
      满分:2  分
16.  In English culture, the introduction rule“( )” is correct.
A. When introducing two males or two females, put the younger person's name first
B. Men don't have to take off their gloves before shaking hands
C. When a man and a woman are to shake hands, it is the man who extends his hand first
D. When introductions are made , start with first names, and add some descriptive notes
      满分:2  分
17.  American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to( ).
A. cultural anthropology
B. sociolinguistics
C. comparative education
D. philosophy
      满分:2  分
18.  If I_______a little earlier, I would have caught the train.
A. left
B. would leave
C. leave
D. had left
      满分:2  分
19.  Hardly had he arrived at the airport_______he was told that the flight had been cancelled.
A. than
B. when
C. before
D. then
      满分:2  分
20.  Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed .
A. ignore
B. leave
C. refuse
D. miss
      满分:2  分
21.  An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately_______from Marathon to Athens.
A. distance
B. is the distance
C. the distance
D. the distance is
      满分:2  分
22.  If you are walking away from a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point_______it cannot be heard.
A. which
B. what
C. where
D. how
      满分:2  分
23.  The native Canadians lived in____with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life.
A. coordination
B. acquaintance
C. contact
D. harmony
      满分:2  分
24.  Staring or gaping during a conversation is considered____in English culture.
A. curious
B. surprised
C. trustworthy
D. impolite
      满分:2  分
25.  When you meet an American friend of yours who are just off a plane in the airport, you can greet him by saying____.
A. You must have had a tiring journey.
B. Did you have a good trip?
C. How long did it take you to get here?
D. So you are here finally!
      满分:2  分
26.  ____are language forms used to show the speaker's modesty.
A. Honourifics
B. Terms of Humility
C. Euphemisms
D. Taboos
      满分:2  分
27.  It has been years_______I returned home.
A. after
B. that
C. since
D. when
      满分:2  分
28.  When westerns introduce one person to others, they____.
A. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the positive or rank
B. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position and rank first, then his name
C. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the position or rank
D. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position or rank first, then his name
      满分:2  分
29.  Americans don't like being inquired about their choice of voting, because____.
A. they don't want others to know about it
B. they are afraid to being murdered
C. they don't want others to support their choice of voting
D. they are not sure of their own choice of voting
      满分:2  分
30.  The word “workaholic” is often used to refer to( ).
A. Africans
B. Americans
C. Chinese
D. Koreans
      满分:2  分
31.  “Red tape” means( ).
A. a red cassette
B. the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulations
C. the necessary of official rules and regulations
D. a red string
      满分:2  分
32.  It's generally acknowledged that the publication of The Silent Language in 1959 by( ) marked the beginning of intercultural communication studies in the United States.
A. R.Porter
B. C.Barnlund
C. Edward T. Hall
D. A. Samovar
      满分:2  分
33.  We’ll keep you_______any news.
A. up to date with
B. in step with
C. in line with
D. in terms of
      满分:2  分
34.  The committee is expected to_____a decision this evening.
A. reach
B. arrive
C. bring
D. take
      满分:2  分
35.  Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and____and all previously neglected matters were taken care of.
A. conviction
B. contest
C. consent
D. content
      满分:2  分

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