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发表于 2016-2-5 22:47:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--
单选题 判断题  

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.  When you read the book, you’d better make a mark _______ you have a question.
A. which
B. on which
C. where
D. at where
      满分:2.5  分
2.  — Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor? — _______
A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.
B. Why didn’t you call earlier?
C. Certainly. May I know your name?
D. Sorry, he doesn’t want to see you.
      满分:2.5  分
3.  Her reaction to the child’s bad behavior was unnecessarily _______.
A. abundant
B. fluency
C. rational
D. hash
      满分:2.5  分
4.  It is essential that these application forms _______ back as early as possible.
A. must be sent
B. will be sent
C. are sent
D. sent
      满分:2.5  分
     Our child's behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important part of a principle of behavioral psychology.
     The principle states that a behavior is influenced or affected by how the environment ---- people, places and things ---- immediately responds to the behavior. Perhaps without realizing it, you have used this principle many times.
     On the occasion when you told your child what a good boy he was after he cleaned up his room, you used the principle. When you sent your child to his room for fighting with his brother, you used the principle. When I gave Kim a cookie after she started to cry, I used the principle. In each of these examples, a particular behavior occurred first ---- cleaning up a room, fighting, and crying.
In addition, there was a reaction to each behavior ---- the child was praised, sent to his room, or given a cookie. By these actions, we have influenced the previous behaviors and have helped to determine whether those behaviors will occur again in the future.

(1)、What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Children and environmental protection.
B. Children's behavior and fighting.
C. Children's behavior and our response.
D. Children and principles.
      满分:2.5  分
      Down the entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade students. Each one is carrying a small basket with a single egg inside. Soon more students join them-each one of them is also carrying a basket with an egg. The eggs in a basket are part of a new school program that helps young people understand that having a baby is a great duty.
     At the beginning of the program, the teacher puts the students in pairs-one girl and one boy. Each pair gets an egg, which they must take care of for two weeks. For those fourteen days, the students have to take care of the eggs as though they were real babies. Students whose eggs get broken have to start the two weeks all over again with a new egg.
     One person in each pair must have the egg with him or her at all times-twenty-four hours a day. At no time can they let the egg be out of sight. "If a teacher catches you without your egg," said one student, "she makes you go get it. They are really strict." The teachers also make the students spend half an hour each day sitting with the egg and just watching it. That can get pretty boring. But it's also something that parents spend a lot of time doing.
     Children say that the program has helped them understand the duties involved in having a child. "It was really hard," said one student, "You had to think all the time about the egg."

(5)、From the last paragraph, we can infer that ______.

A. a program is the only way to educate children
B. one has to think about a program all the time
C. only one child grasps the purpose of the program
D. the program is of help to children's understanding of parents
      满分:2.5  分
7.  We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at
      满分:2.5  分
8.  We are next-door _______.
A. neighborhoods
B. neighbor
C. neighborhood
D. neighbors
      满分:2.5  分
9.  Only after I had reached the supermarket _______ that I had forgotten to take my purse with me.
A. I had realized
B. I realized
C. I have realized
D. did I realize
      满分:2.5  分
10.  — _______ — I’m suffering from a stomachache.
A. Are you feeling better?
B. What’s trouble with you?
C. Is there wrong with you?
D. What’s the matter with you?
      满分:2.5  分
11.  In China, children _______ school at seven.
A. has to start
B. must to start
C. have to start
D. can start
      满分:2.5  分
12.  — Northwestern Airlines. May I help you? — _______
A. Yes, I’d like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit.
B. Yes, I’d like to have two pints of beer, please.
C. Well, there’s flights at 11.00 am. It’s nonstop flight.
D. Well, all the seats have been reserved.
      满分:2.5  分
13.  We’re using technology to _______ our levels of service.
A. enhance
B. extend
C. expand
D. amplify
      满分:2.5  分
14.  Unemployment is not the _______— the real problem is the decline in public morality.
A. trouble
B. matter
C. issue
D. thing
      满分:2.5  分
15.  I doubt _______ he will lend you the book.
A. whether
B. when
C. that
D. which
      满分:2.5  分
16.  — Hello, I would like to open an account. — _______
A. Which account do you want to see?
B. Have you make up your mind?
C. What kind of account do you have in mind?
D. You’re welcome.
      满分:2.5  分
17.  It’s already 5 o’clock. Don’t you think it’s about time _______?
A. we are going home
B. we go home
C. we went home
D. we can go home
      满分:2.5  分
18.  It _______, for the ground is wet.
A. must rain
B. ought to rain
C. must have rained
D. should have rained
      满分:2.5  分
19.  — How much is this necklace? — _______
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
      满分:2.5  分
20.  — _______ — Yes, I’ll be happy to cash it for you.
A. Do you need any cash?
B. Are you happy with the cash?
C. Are you happy to cash it for me?
D. May I cash a traveler’s check here?
      满分:2.5  分
21.  A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.
A. is
B. are
C. has
D. have
      满分:2.5  分
      Down the entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade students. Each one is carrying a small basket with a single egg inside. Soon more students join them-each one of them is also carrying a basket with an egg. The eggs in a basket are part of a new school program that helps young people understand that having a baby is a great duty.
     At the beginning of the program, the teacher puts the students in pairs-one girl and one boy. Each pair gets an egg, which they must take care of for two weeks. For those fourteen days, the students have to take care of the eggs as though they were real babies. Students whose eggs get broken have to start the two weeks all over again with a new egg.
     One person in each pair must have the egg with him or her at all times-twenty-four hours a day. At no time can they let the egg be out of sight. "If a teacher catches you without your egg," said one student, "she makes you go get it. They are really strict." The teachers also make the students spend half an hour each day sitting with the egg and just watching it. That can get pretty boring. But it's also something that parents spend a lot of time doing.
     Children say that the program has helped them understand the duties involved in having a child. "It was really hard," said one student, "You had to think all the time about the egg."

(3)、In the third line of Paragraph 2, "they" refers to ______.

A. teachers
B. students
C. eggs
D. programs
      满分:2.5  分
23.  Neither the students nor the teacher _______ got the right answer.
A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are
      满分:2.5  分
24.  Hardly ______on stage ____the audience started cheering.
A. he had come/than
B. he had come/when
C. had he come/when
D. had he come/than
      满分:2.5  分
25.  — Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday? — _______
A. Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.
B. Fine, I never go to birthday parties.
C. Ha…ha, I like swimming.
D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.
      满分:2.5  分
26.  Could you be more _______ about what you’re looking for?
A. particular
B. peculiar
C. special
D. specific
      满分:2.5  分
27.  It was a good concert — I enjoyed the last song _______ particular.
A. in
B. for
C. on
D. with
      满分:2.5  分
28.  The atmosphere _________certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.
A. composes of
B. is made up
C. consists of
D. makes up of
      满分:2.5  分
29.  — Are you feeling better today, Jack? — _______
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don't worry about me.
      满分:2.5  分
30.  Excuse me for breaking in, _______I have some news for you.
A. so
B. and
C. but
D. yet
      满分:2.5  分
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