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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2014-11-27 18:40:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  During sleep blood pressure is normally ______ its lowest.
A. in
B. for
C. at
D. by
      满分:2.5  分
2.  We must get the roof mended before the wet weather sets ______.
A. about
B. on
C. up
D. in
      满分:2.5  分
3.  Here are some books by American writers. You can read ______ you like.
A. any
B. which
C. what one
D. whichever one
      满分:2.5  分
4.  The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather.
A. lately
B. late
C. later
D. latest
      满分:2.5  分
5.  Not long ago, a person who I know every well was ______ an accident.
A. related to
B. included in
C. involved in
D. subject to
      满分:2.5  分
6.  The mother scolded the boy ______ not cleaning up his room.
A. to
B. with
C. at
D. for
      满分:2.5  分
7.  She was operated a month ago but now she was ______.
A. very good
B. very well
C. healthy
D. good conditioned
      满分:2.5  分
8.  ______,you can’t fool her.
A. The child though Rowena is
B. Though child Rowena is
C. As child Rowena is
D. Child as Rowena is
      满分:2.5  分
9.  The investigators found that more should be done for ______ in India.
A. those poor
B. a poor
C. poor
D. the poor
      满分:2.5  分
10.  Whoever ______ a full night’s sleep will be more than rewarded in heightened productivity, creativity and focus.
A. invests at
B. invests in
C. invests by
D. invests with
      满分:2.5  分
11.  ______ of them shared my opinions, so we have ______ in common to discuss.
A. Nobody/a little
B. Few/little
C. A few/little
D. None/many
      满分:2.5  分
12.  He was brave;_____ soldiers fought so bravely in that battle.
A. no others
B. no another
C. no other
D. not other
      满分:2.5  分
13.  There is a line of trees in ______ side of the river.
A. every
B. each
C. per
D. none
      满分:2.5  分
14.  I haven’t read ______ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.
A. anything
B. any
C. some
D. something
      满分:2.5  分
15.  He answered my questions with ______ not to be expected of an ordinary schoolboy.
A. his accuracy
B. a accuracy
C. the accuracy
D. an accuracy
      满分:2.5  分
16.  Many a girl wants to become ______.
A. some secretary
B. a secretary
C. secretary
D. secretaries
      满分:2.5  分
17.  Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ______.
A. rooms number
B. room number
C. room’s numbers
D. room numbers
      满分:2.5  分
18.  All the people at the conference are ______.
A. mathematic teachers
B. mathematics teachers
C. mathematics teacher
D. mathematic’s teachers
      满分:2.5  分
19.  The flock of geese was flying through the sky in perfect formation following ______ leader.
A. its
B. their
C. his
D. her
      满分:2.5  分
20.  When a body enters the earth’s atmosphere, it travels ______.
A. in a rapid manner
B. fastly
C. with great speed
D. very rapidly
      满分:2.5  分
21.  The idea has ______ that science cannot be wrong.
A. piled up
B. picked up
C. grown up
D. put up
      满分:2.5  分
22.  ______ is setting up a research team to see how children react to video games.
A. The Japan’s Health Ministry
B. Japan’s health Ministry
C. A Japan’s health Ministry
D. Japan health Ministry
      满分:2.5  分
23.  The police haven’t caught the murder alive yet, but they are convinced that the really important facts of the case will soon ________ .
A. come into force
B. come into contact
C. come into light
D. come down to earth
      满分:2.5  分
24.  In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are viewed _______ a threat to domestic industries.
A. like
B. as
C. with
D. for
      满分:2.5  分
25.  The room was small and contained far too ______.
A. much new furniture
B. many new furniture
C. much new furnitures
D. many new furnitures
      满分:2.5  分
26.  _______ a prolonged spell of fine weather, they were able to complete the film within the month.
A. As to
B. Thanks to
C. In relation to
D. With respect to
      满分:2.5  分
27.  His mother taught ______ ,but his father was only a blue-collar worker.
A. piano
B. an piano
C. the piano
D. a piano
      满分:2.5  分
28.  Physics _____ with matter and motion.
A. deal
B. deals
C. dealing
D. are
      满分:2.5  分
29.  The children in the kinder-garden soon took ______ to their teachers.
A. quite fancy
B. a quite fancy
C. quite a fancy
D. the quite fancy
      满分:2.5  分
30.  They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.
A. both the other two
B. the two other both
C. the both other two
D. the both two other
      满分:2.5  分
31.  This room is ______.
A. the editor’s-in-chief’s office
B. the editor-in-chief office
C. the editor-in-chief’s office
D. the editor’s-in-chief office
      满分:2.5  分
32.  It has long been known that there is an electric field ______.
A. inside the earth
B. inside earth
C. inside an earth
D. on earth
      满分:2.5  分
33.  Have you got ______ copies to go around?
A. much
B. a large amount of
C. enough
D. great
      满分:2.5  分
34.  ______ they reached the small village before dusk.
A. Towards the end
B. By the end
C. In the end
D. At the end
      满分:2.5  分
35.  For young people, Carpenter is ______ singer.
A. most their popular
B. most popular of theirs
C. their most popular
D. most popular of their
      满分:2.5  分
36.  Her type of women can ______ life much more easily.
A. cope with
B. take advantage of
C. take care of
D. look after
      满分:2.5  分
37.  It was ______ that he did not go to Mount Lao with us.
A. because he was ill
B. as he was ill
C. since he was ill
D. though he was ill
      满分:2.5  分
38.  Computers can do ______ work in a short time, but a man can not do ______ by himself.
A. great many…many
B. a great deal of…much
C. much…a great deal
D. many…a great many
      满分:2.5  分
39.  Numerous materials are available to ______.
A. today of designers
B. today’s designers
C. today’s of designers
D. today designers
      满分:2.5  分
40.  The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because ______ traffic there was so heavy.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. one
      满分:2.5  分
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