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发表于 2016-7-5 15:47:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  If you____________quiet, I'll tell you what happened.
A. be
B. are to be
C. are
D. will be
      满分:2  分
2.  No sooner____________to bed than he heard a knock at the door.
A. had he gone
B. he had gone
C. did he go
D. he went
      满分:2  分
3.  I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given.
A. no possibility
B. there was impossibility
C. impossible
D. it impossible
      满分:2  分
4.  He thought that ____________.
A. the effort doing the job was not worth
B. the effort was not worth in doing the job
C. it was not worth the effort doing the job
D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job
      满分:2  分
5.  Silk _______ by Chinese for thousands of years now.
A. has used
B. has been used
C. was used
D. is used
      满分:2  分
6.  —It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? —_______.
A. With pleasure
B. Yes, please
C. Of course not
D. Thank you
      满分:2  分
7.  After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____.
A. withdraw
B. resign
C. retire
D. retreat
      满分:2  分
8.  Four hours______ too long for him to write the letter.
A. has
B. are
C. is
D. have
      满分:2  分
9.  That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago.
A. has been built
B. had built
C. was built
D. has built
      满分:2  分
10.  What kind of events are you good ____?
A. at
B. to
C. in
D. after
      满分:2  分
11.  I wanted to study physics, but my teacher said I wasn't____ enough.
A. bright
B. pretty
C. real
D. polite
      满分:2  分
12.  —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —_________.
A. Yes, you may borrow
B. Yes, go on
C. Yes, help yourself
D. It doesn't matter
      满分:2  分
13.  —What can I do for you, madam? —_________.
A. I want a kilo of apples
B. You can go your own way
C. Thanks
D. Excuse me. I'm busy
      满分:2  分
14.  It was to save the child____________he got drowned.
A. that
B. when
C. but
D. while
      满分:2  分
15.  David ____________himself while he ____________the machine.
A. hurted... was fixing
B. hurts... is fixing
C. hurt... fixed
D. hurt ... was fixing
      满分:2  分
16.  If I had remembered____________the door, the things would not have been stolen.
A. to lock
B. locking
C. to have locked
D. having locked
      满分:2  分
17.  This new clue _______ the policemen and they were more confused by the murder.
A. puzzled
B. surprised
C. trapped
D. discouraged
      满分:2  分
18.  The problem of housing____________ lead to the problem of social instability.
A. itself
B. must
C. did
D. never
      满分:2  分
19.  Her application for the position ____________ by the boss.
A. was refused
B. was refusing
C. refused
D. is refusing
      满分:2  分
20.  The class ____________ over, we had a ____________discussion.
A. been ... heat
B. being ... heated
C. is ... heating
D. be ... heated
      满分:2  分
21.  We all believe that computer____________ smaller and smaller in the coming years.
A. can be become
B. will be got
C. will be changed
D. can turn
      满分:2  分
22.  The meeting ____________next week is sure to be a great success.
A. to take place
B. to be taken place
C. to have taken place
D. being taken place
      满分:2  分
23.  —How are you feeling? —Much better. _________.
A. Thanks for coming to see me.
B. You look great.
C. You are so tired.
D. Don't mention it.
      满分:2  分
24.  After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964.
A. married
B. married with
C. married to
D. was married to
      满分:2  分
25.  The news reporters hurried to the airport, only____________the film stars had left.
A. to tell
B. to be told
C. telling
D. told
      满分:2  分
26.  Since the cinema was ___ , I had to go home to watch TV.
A. packed
B. crowded
C. filled with
D. full of
      满分:2  分
27.  The teacher asked us ____________ so much noise.
A. don't make
B. not make
C. not making
D. not to make
      满分:2  分
28.  This test ___ a number of multiple -choice questions.
A. composed of
B. composes in
C. consists of
D. consists in
      满分:2  分
29.  They are from__________.They are_________.
A. Germany;Germen
B. German;Germany
C. Germany;German
D. Germany;Germans
      满分:2  分
30.  — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.
A. to do
B. to
C. doing
D. doing so
      满分:2  分
31.  If you have made a decision, please stick _______ what you want.
A. to
B. up
C. of
D. for
      满分:2  分
32.  It was ______fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.
A. such great
B. so great
C. such a great
D. so great a
      满分:2  分
33.  The little girl prefers singing____.
A. to dance
B. to dancing
C. than to dance
D. than dancing
      满分:2  分
34.  —Would you please give him the paper the moment he ______? —No problem.
A. arrives
B. will arrive
C. arrived
D. is arriving
      满分:2  分
35.  This TV program is very good.Everybody in my family ____it.
A. to watch
B. watches
C. watchs
D. watched
      满分:2  分
36.  —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —_________.
A. Don't worry about it
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course
C. Mr. Brown is very good
D. Good luck to you
      满分:2  分
37.  Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.
A. have solved
B. have been solving
C. have to solve
D. have to be solved
      满分:2  分
38.  —Oh, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be careful next time. —___________________.
A. It's nothing at all
B. Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter
C. Thank you
D. There are no questions
      满分:2  分
39.  He ____________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.
A. warns
B. warned
C. is warned
D. was warned
      满分:2  分
40.  — You should have given them some suggestions. — ____________ , but who would listen to me?
A. So should I
B. So I should
C. So did I
D. So I did
      满分:2  分
41.  The President____________ went to see the flood-stricken areas.
A. himself
B. did
C. is said
D. has
      满分:2  分
42.  The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,____________it more difficult.
A. not making
B. not make
C. not to make
D. nor to make
      满分:2  分
43.  "Did you enjoy last night's concert?""Yes. Though the last piece____________rather poorly. "
A. was played
B. played
C. was playing
D. playing
      满分:2  分
44.  The rising ___ of living is as hard on country families as on city families.
A. price
B. spend
C. expense
D. amount
      满分:2  分
45.  Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.
A. walked... called
B. was walking ... was calling
C. walked ... was calling
D. was walking...called
      满分:2  分
46.  Your shirt needs____________ . You'd better have it done today.
A. iron
B. to iron
C. ironing
D. being ironed
      满分:2  分
47.  His three children ____________ now college graduates, he felt he could retire from business.
A. to be
B. being
C. having been
D. been
      满分:2  分
48.  It was the officer ____________ informed the village of the danger.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. whether
      满分:2  分
49.  Middle school boys____________not to smoke.
A. always tell
B. are told always
C. are always told
D. is always told
      满分:2  分
50.  —Do you mind my smoking here? —_________.
A. No, thanks.
B. Yes, I do.
C. Yes. I'd rather not.
D. Good idea.
      满分:2  分
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