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发表于 2016-5-21 17:58:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--
单选题 完型填空 阅读理解 单选题  

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  She is working very hard to ______ the lost time at school.
A. make for
B. make up for
C. make up
D. make ou
      满分:1  分
2.  I can ______ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noise.
A. come up with
B. catch up with
C. put up with
D. keep up with
      满分:1  分
3.  — I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office. — _________
A. Would you like to leave a message?
B. Are you sure for that?
C. Can you take a message for me?
D. Can you phone me?
      满分:1  分
4.  In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym _____ to do exercises.
A. increasingly
B. often
C. regularly
D. lively
      满分:1  分
5.  The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I _____ before.
A. was having
B. have
C. have ever had
D. had ever had
      满分:1  分
6.  American women were ______the right to vote until 1920.
A. ignored
B. neglected
C. refused
D. denied
      满分:1  分
7.  Shanghai is the place _____ the great Communist Party of China was born.
A. which
B. where
C. when
D. that
      满分:1  分
8.  If you want his address, you will have to ______ the number in the book.
A. look into
B. look up
C. look through
D. look after
      满分:1  分
9.  The strike is said ______ by the government’s negligence of the people’s welfare.
A. to be caused
B. to cause
C. being caused
D. to have been caused
      满分:1  分
10.  Mr. Smith was determined to _______ the experiment after so many years' interruption.
A. carry on
B. carry out
C. carry away
D. carry forth
      满分:1  分
11.  I think they will go to town tomorrow, __________?
A. do I
B. don’t I
C. will they
D. won’t they
      满分:1  分
12.  On seeing this sight, the audience can’t help but ______.
A. to laugh
B. laughing
C. laugh
D. being laughed
      满分:1  分
13.  — What is your major, Jack? —_______________
A. I study very hard.
B. I’m learning course.
C. I major English.
D. I’m majoring in computer science.
      满分:1  分
14.  The eagle expanded its wings as it ______ in the air.
A. raised
B. arose
C. rose
D. arouse
      满分:1  分
15.  This picture ______ me of the past events associated with my childhood.
A. remembers
B. reminds
C. recalls
D. recollects
      满分:1  分
16.  Children who live in the rural areas are very _______ to be poor.
A. likely
B. alike
C. like
D. lively
      满分:1  分
17.  — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — __________.
A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment
B. No, you can’t
C. Sorry, you can’t
D. I don’t know
      满分:1  分
18.  — Do you mind telling me where you’re from? — _________.
A. Certainly. I’m from London
B. Sure. I was born in London
C. Not really, you can do it
D. Certainly not. I’m from London
      满分:1  分
19.  — Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? — ____________
A. The reason is that I have to work over time tonight.
B. Sorry about that, but I have to go to a party.
C. Because I have an appointment.
D. I’d love to, but I have to finish my paper.
      满分:1  分
20.  ______ adequate preparations, they thought it better to postpone the journey till next week.
A. Not to have made
B. Not making
C. Not having made
D. Having not made
      满分:1  分
21.  ______ one occasion he helped an old woman who was in danger ______ the risk of his life.
A. In, as
B. On, at
C. By, with
D. At, in
      满分:1  分
22.  Her son promised __________ in the bedroom until the baby stopped __________.
A. staying, to cry
B. to stay, crying
C. for staying, to cry
D. to stay, to cry
      满分:1  分
23.  — You look tired. What’s the matter? —______________
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. Oh, my head aches badly.
C. It is not the matter.
D. Don’t worry.
      满分:1  分
24.  ——“Excuse me, what’s the ______ of the room per day?” ——“Fifty dollars.”
A. pay
B. change
C. income
D. charge
      满分:1  分
25.  —What can I do for you? —Yes, _______________
A. I’d like to see that shirt, please.
B. I’m afraid not.
C. may I invite you to dinner?
D. I just have a look.
      满分:1  分
26.  The young couple _______ their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.
A. imagined
B. figured
C. compared
D. cheered
      满分:1  分
27.  Some passengers complain that it usually takes so long to ____ in travel insurance documents.
A. finish
B. fill
C. complete
D. write
      满分:1  分
28.  If you spare half an hour each day to read an English newspaper, you will surely be able to read ______.
A. efficiently
B. obviously
C. actually
D. purposefully
      满分:1  分
29.  —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? —______________
A. No, I’d like to.
B. I believe I can’t.
C. I’m afraid.
D. Yes, I’d love to.
      满分:1  分
30.  The case ______ a lot of things, ______ a second-hand watch.
A. included; contained
B. included; containing
C. contained; included
D. contained; including
      满分:1  分

二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  
You really have to get very old before you realize you’re old. I’m in my middle fifties and I don’t feel old yet. However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and 1 things to the way life is for today’s kids. Some things have 2 changed.

One area of change is television. Some changes have been improvements. Some changes, 3 the other hand, have been setbacks.

When I started school, most people didn’t have a television; TV was just beginning to get 4 . My father decided to go all out and buy a 15 inch black and white Motorola set. I still remember  5  the Lone Ranger save people from the bad guys on that awesome electronic machine. That was exciting!

Now, televisions have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are 6 and the sound is much more realistic. The new high definition sets are made to rival movie 7 . The variety and quantity of programming has increased greatly. There are hundreds of 8 and more shows than one person could ever watch. There are many fine entertainment and 9 shows. There’s also a lot of garbage, stuff that most parents don’t want their kids exposed to. Overall, we have more choices, and that is good.

I wonder what television will be 10 when today’s kids are my age.

A. forget
B. remember
C. compare
D. miss
      满分:2  分
A. seldom
B. often
C. usually
D. certainly
      满分:2  分
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. for
      满分:2  分
A. gone
B. great
C. expensive
D. popular
      满分:2  分
A. to watch
B. have watched
C. watching
D. watched
      满分:2  分
A. clearer
B. good
C. cheaper
D. clearly
      满分:2  分
A. theater
B. mirror
C. shade
D. screen
      满分:2  分
A. canals
B. chains
C. channels
D. shifts
      满分:2  分
A. education
B. educational
C. educate
D. educator
      满分:2  分
A. likely
B. alike
C. like
D. dislike
      满分:2  分三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  
The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday, Saturdays are a busy time for shops with many families going shopping.

Sundays used to be a very special day of the week in Britain. It was the one day of the week for “worship and rest”. The shops were closed and most people were at home or at church. Popular leisure activities on Sunday used to be going to church and doing odd jobs around the home such as gardening and DIY.

Until a few years ago shops were not permitted to open on a Sunday. Sundays today are becoming like any other day of the week with shops open. Some families will now spend their time shopping rather than going to church or they will combine the two activities.

Britain is becoming a far less Christian country with fewer people regularly attending Church. Many Christians believe that Sunday should be kept special, as a time given to worshipping God. They think it is important for Christians to meet together, listen to readings from the Bible and celebrate Holy Communion. Others believe that it is important that families have time to be together. (The shopping hours on a Sunday are less than on any other day of the week.)

1). The following activities are popular on Sunday in Britain except ________.
A. gardening
B. going to the zoo
C. shopping
      满分:3  分
2). In the second paragraph, the phrase ‘worship and rest’ refers to________.
A. going to the church
B. doing housework at home
C. having a rest at home
D. Both A, B and C
      满分:3  分
3). Which of the following is TRUE according the passage?
A. English people usually work five days a week.
B.  In Britain, shopping is regarded as the most important activity in the weekend.
C. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to go to church on Sundays.
D. Most people think the shopping hours on Sunday should be longer.
      满分:3  分
4). Britain is becoming less Christian probably because _______.
A. Many people refused to go to the church
B. Going to the church is too boring
C. People think that staying with one’s family is more important than going to the church
D. Many people think that Christians should meet together on Sundays
      满分:3  分
5). The passage mainly tells us _____________.
A. what British people think of Christian
B. what British people do in the weekends
C. why British is far less Christian
D. how to spend your leisure time
      满分:3  分
Gilbert Arenas was born on January 6, 1982 in Tampa, Florida. His father played college football at the University of Miami. In 1984, the pair moved to Los Angeles, California where Gilbert's father was an actor in commercials and soap operas.

When Gilbert was about 11, he started playing basketball. By the time Gilbert was 14, he was already the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School in Van Nuys, California. He decided to wear the number "0" because people told him he would get "zero playing time". After his sophomore year, Gilbert decided to enter the NBA draft. Many coaches thought that Gilbert was not ready. As a result, he was drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors. Gilbert worked hard at Golden State, despite the fact his coach kept him on the bench for much of the season. When he finally got his chance, Gilbert averaged 14 points and 5 assists per game as the Warriors point guard.

After a successful individual year for Gilbert, it was time to test the NBA's free-agent market. Much to the disappointment of Warriors fans, Gilbert signed a 6-year, 65 million dollar deal with the Washington Wizards in 2003. Not surprisingly, he became an instant star with the Wizards. Fans loved to watch him race up the court, dish-off passes, and make difficult shots and lay ups. Although the Wizards only won 27 games his first year in Washington, Gilbert led them with 19.6 points per game. Gilbert, along with teammates Larry Hughes and Antawn Jamison, led the Wizards to the NBA playoffs during his second year. The highlight of the decade for the Wizards was their post-season victory against the Chicago Bulls in the NBA playoffs.

1). What did Gilbert’s father do for a living in California?
A. He was an artist.
B. He was a basketball player.
C. He was an actor.
D. He was a football player.
      满分:3  分
2). When did Gilbert become the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School?
A. When he was 11.
B. In 1984.
C. When he was 14.
D. As a junior in high school.
      满分:3  分
3). Why was Gilbert drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors?
A. Because many coaches thought that he was not ready.
B. Because the Golden State Warriors liked him very much.
C. Because his family has moved to the Golden State.
D. Because his performance is disappointing in the season.
      满分:3  分
4). Which of the following players did NOT help the Wizards make the playoffs in Gilbert’s second year?
A. Gilbert Arenas.
B. Gold State Warriors.
C. Antawn Jamison.
D. Larry Hughes.
      满分:3  分
5). Which of the following words best describes Gilbert Arenas as described by the passage?
A. Overrated.
B. Hard-working.
C. Talented.
D. Both B and C.
      满分:3  分

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