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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2014-11-27 18:42:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  The public ______ generous in their contributions to the earthquake victims.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. has been
      满分:2.5  分
2.  It is hard to avoid mistakes. ______ you correct them conscientiously, it will be all right.
A. In the case
B. As long as
C. Although
D. Despite
      满分:2.5  分
3.  ______ of the boys in the class who have passed the test is to receive certificates.
A. Every
B. Every one
C. Any
D. Anyone
      满分:2.5  分
4.  Those of us who wear glasses should have ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.
A. their
B. our
C. his
D. her
      满分:2.5  分
5.  Once you ______ the knack of it, you will have no further difficulty.
A. shall have
B. had
C. are having
D. have
      满分:2.5  分
6.  John can play chess better than ______ else.
A. the one
B. no one
C. any one
D. another
      满分:2.5  分
7.  The company is very famous ______ the high quality of its products.
A. in
B. for
C. by
D. with
      满分:2.5  分
8.  It was ______ that he joined the evening party.
A. finding Comrade Li
B. found Comrade Li
C. to find Comrade Li
D. find Comrade Li
      满分:2.5  分
9.  The policemen put the criminal ______.
A. in a iron
B. into a iron
C. in irons
D. into a pair of iron
      满分:2.5  分
10.  _______, we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.
A. What may come
B. Come what may
C. May what come
D. What come
      满分:2.5  分
11.  I bite my nails. I must break ______.
A. the habit of me
B. the habit with myself
C. myself of the habit
D. of the habit myself
      满分:2.5  分
12.  In one year rats eat 40 to 50 times ______ weight.
A. its
B. and
C. their
D. theirs
      满分:2.5  分
13.  Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for the candidate of ______.
A. his choice
B. their choice
C. the choice of him
D. the choice of theirs
      满分:2.5  分
14.  Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.
A. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought
B. seriously Alfred E. Smith sought
C. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek
D. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek
      满分:2.5  分
15.  Fox was advised to give the assignment to _______ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.
A. whom
B. whomever
C. whoever
D. that
      满分:2.5  分
16.  I ______ his face when he opened the letter.
A. should like you to see
B. would have liked you to be seen
C. should like you to have seen
D. would like you to see
      满分:2.5  分
17.  On no account ______ to anyone.
A. my name must be mentioned
B. must my name mention
C. must my name be mentioned
D. my name must mention
      满分:2.5  分
18.  Mary’s dress is similar in appearance to her ______.
A. elder sister
B. elder sister’s
C. elder sisters
D. elder sisters dress
      满分:2.5  分
19.  If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it ______ be active.
A. may not
B. must
C. might
D. is not
      满分:2.5  分
20.  The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers ______.
A. from east to west
B. from the east to west
C. from the east to the west
D. from eastern to western
      满分:2.5  分
21.  Do you believe that she has blamed us for the accident, especially ______?
A. you and me
B. you and I
C. I and you
D. me and you
      满分:2.5  分
22.  Each man and woman ______ the same rights.
A. has
B. have
C. had
D. is having
      满分:2.5  分
23.  Everyone ______ the cake because there wasn’t even a small piece left.
A. must like
B. must have liked
C. must have been liking
D. had liked
      满分:2.5  分
24.  I have two novels: one of the two is “Gone with the Wind’, and ______ is “the Tale of Two Cities’.
A. another
B. other
C. none other
D. the other
      满分:2.5  分
25.  Hundreds of people are ______ now, so there are about 50 people trying for the same position.
A. out of the work
B. out work
C. out of work
D. out of a work
      满分:2.5  分
26.  Many a time _______ me with my English study.
A. have he helped
B. has he helped
C. he have helped
D. did he have helped
      满分:2.5  分
27.  It was through experimentation ______ people found out he behavior of electricity.
A. that
B. which
C. /
D. the
      满分:2.5  分
28.  “I would have come sooner, but I ______ that you were waiting.”
A. didn’t know
B. hasn’t known
C. hadn’t know
D. haven’t known
      满分:2.5  分
29.  The doctor was always ______ the poor and the sick, often giving them free medical services.
A. reminded of
B. absorbed in
C. tended by
D. concerned about
      满分:2.5  分
30.  The room was small and contained far too ______.
A. much new furniture
B. many new furniture
C. much new furnitures
D. many new furnitures
      满分:2.5  分
31.  One of the most surprising things is that ______ may come from petroleum.
A. much of tomorrow food
B. much of the food of tomorrow
C. many of tomorrow’s food
D. much of tomorrow’s food
      满分:2.5  分
32.  ______ the first and largest ethnic group to work on the construction of the transcontinental railroad.
A. Chinese were
B. The Chinese was
C. Chinese was
D. The Chinese were
      满分:2.5  分
33.  You say you ______ do it, but I say you ______ do it.
A. ought not/could
B. will not/shall
C. could not/need
D. shall not/ought
      满分:2.5  分
34.  The atomic structure is, ______, a miniature solar system.
A. as it were
B. as if they were
C. as it were
D. as if are
      满分:2.5  分
35.  The molecules of gases move more freely than ______.
A. do liquids and solids
B. liquids and solids do
C. do those of liquids and solids
D. those do of liquids and solids
      满分:2.5  分
36.  ______ to see a film with us today?
A. Did you like
B. Would you like
C. Will you like
D. Have you liked
      满分:2.5  分
37.  It is reported that today ______ president will have lunch with ______ President Omon.
A. the…the
B. a…a
C. the…/
D. /…/
      满分:2.5  分
38.  That noise is getting louder because the engineers are ______ the engine to see if the plane is ready to fly.
A. doing with
B. running up
C. turning in
D. trying for
      满分:2.5  分
39.  We sent the horses to a considerable distance, ______ they should disturb the children.
A. less
B. lest
C. last
D. least
      满分:2.5  分
40.  Stars are so far away that they are ______ spots of light when seen from the earth.
A. nothing more as
B. anything more than
C. more than
D. nothing more than
      满分:2.5  分

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