
标题: 《大学英语(一)0001》17春在线作业2 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2017-5-22 18:20
标题: 《大学英语(一)0001》17春在线作业2
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V
1.  — I'm sure Class One will win the game. —________. Let's wait and see.
A. Yes, I think so
B. It's hard to say
C. Impossible
D. That’s unlikely.
      满分:2.5  分
2.  You’re required to _______ your name at the end of this form.
A. spell
B. sign
C. tell
D. mark
      满分:2.5  分
3.  My son is already showing an interest _______ music.
A. on
B. to
C. in
D. at
      满分:2.5  分
4.  Thanks to my foresight, I took my umbrella with me.
A. 谢天谢地,我带了雨伞。
B. 带了雨伞,这是我的聪明之举。
C. 幸亏我带了雨伞。
D. 幸亏我有先见之明,带了雨伞。
      满分:2.5  分
5.  Each member is given a special exercise routine that is _______ for his or her needs.
A. constant
B. appropriate
C. bad
D. hopeful
      满分:2.5  分
6.  He is learning to playing _______ guitar.

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