
标题: 17春学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2017-3-19 16:29
标题: 17春学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V
1.  My aunt has lived in New York( )1995.
A. for
B. during
C. in
D. since
      满分:2  分
2.  – Who has done your hair, Susan? – ( ).
A. My hair has been done
B. That hair stylist
C. My hairstyle is cool
D. I have it cut
      满分:2  分
3.  When was the building( )?
A. complete
B. completing
C. completed
D. completes
      满分:2  分
4.  – Don't take too long at the coffee shop. It's 14:15. – ( ).
A. I'll think your advice over
B. I see. We have 30 minutes left
C. That's no problem
D. I'm afraid so
      满分:2  分
5.  – Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? – ( ).
A. You can take a taxi
B. It's about thirty miles
C. I'll fly to Sidney
D. It's only six hundred dollars
      满分:2  分
6.  – Do you think the exam will be put off? – ( ).
A. Not good news
B. The exam is difficult
C. Not likely
D. It was put off yesterday
      满分:2  分
7.  Why( )the old block of flats( )demolished next month?
A. are…being
B. is…being
C. has…been
D. have…been
      满分:2  分
8.  – Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? – ( ).
A. Don't worry about me
B. Just stay in bed and have a good rest
C. There must be something wrong
D. Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy
      满分:2  分
9.  He( )in the laboratory the whole morning.
A. has been working
B. is working
C. was working
D. has worked
      满分:2  分
10.  – What would you like, tea or coffee? – ( ).
A. Yes, I would
B. Coffee, please
C. Yes, please
D. It's very nice
      满分:2  分
11.  ( )majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.
A. 不填
B. A
C. The
D. Many
      满分:2  分
12.  Please leave the key under the door( )you go out.
A. in case
B. in the case
C. in case of
D. in the case of
      满分:2  分
13.  He speaks so quickly that I didn't( )what he said.
A. receive
B. listen
C. take
D. catch
      满分:2  分
14.  – Oh, you're back at work? How was your holiday? – ( ).
A. We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time
B. The ten-day holiday was not long enough
C. I was missing you when I was on holiday
D. I heard you were on holiday, too
      满分:2  分
15.  They handed in their paper( ).
A. in line
B. by turn
C. at turn
D. in turn
      满分:2  分
16.  – Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian's, won't he? – ( ).
A. Oh, yeah, 1 forgot
B. It's at 8 o'clock
C. Yeah, he's bringing his cousin, Sandy
D. Yeah, it's a nice party
      满分:2  分
17.  The restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better.
A. there…ones
B. here…one
C. there…one
D. here… one
      满分:2  分
18.  I prefer classic music( )pop music.
A. than
B. on
C. with
D. to
      满分:2  分
19.  If he was fitter, he( )live longer.
A. 不填
B. will
C. would
D. can
      满分:2  分
20.  The roof of our house is broken, so it needs( ).
A. repaired
B. repairing
C. being repaired
D. to repair
      满分:2  分
21.  ( )you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
A. Not
B. After
C. Till
D. Until
      满分:2  分
22.  My parents are not interested in modern music. They are( )the times.
A. before
B. behind
C. after
D. low
      满分:2  分
23.  – What a beautiful dress in the window! – ( ).
A. I have no idea about it
B. Yes, really. If I had the money, I'd buy it
C. You can't wear it
D. There's no money to buy it
      满分:2  分
24.  – Look, 25% off. The $2,500 camera is on sale today. – ( ).
A. The camera is of high quality
B. That's very kind of you
C. My camera is out of order now
D. Yeah, a surprising bargain. I'll buy it
      满分:2  分
25.  – Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? – ( ).
A. Certainly. Here you are
B. Please don't mention it
C. It's nothing
D. Yes, I have a hand
      满分:2  分
26.  I( )finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.
A. have to
B. don't have to
C. must
D. mustn't
      满分:2  分
27.  – Look, 25% off. The $2,500 camera is on sale today. – ( ).
A. The camera is of high quality
B. That's very kind of you
C. My camera is out of order now
D. Yeah, a surprising bargain. I'll buy it
      满分:2  分
28.  – Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. – ( ).
A. There's no problem
B. It's a pleasure
C. That's quite all right
D. I didn't realize that
      满分:2  分
29.  – Well, Mary, how are you? – ( ).
A. I'm good
B. I'm pleased
C. I'm fine
D. I'm nice
      满分:2  分
30.  Frank plays( )Alex.
A. a lot more better than
B. much more better than
C. a lot better than
D. much more well than
      满分:2  分
31.  – Can I take your order now? – ( ).
A. Thank you for your offer
B. Sorry, it's beyond my order
C. By no means
D. Just a moment. Two friends are coming
      满分:2  分
32.  It is hoped that the weather will( )warm for three more days.
A. last
B. go on
C. keep on
D. stay
      满分:2  分
33.  The policeman was attacked( )a knife.
A. on
B. by
C. for
D. with
      满分:2  分
34.  The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs( ).
A. as twice much
B. much as twice
C. as much as
D. twice as much
      满分:2  分
35.  We advised him to give up smoking,( )a lot of exercise.
A. to do
B. and to do
C. and do
D. and doing
      满分:2  分
36.  If there were life on Mars, such life forms( )unable to survive on earth.
A. is
B. are
C. would be
D. will be
      满分:2  分
37.  A new hotel( )in the centre of town at the moment.
A. has been built
B. is built
C. is being built
D. was built
      满分:2  分
38.  – David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ).
A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either
B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick
C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that
D. You’d better do exercises regularly
      满分:2  分
39.  – Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs? – ( ).
A. I'd like to buy it
B. It's of very good quality
C. About eighty-five dollars
D. It depends on how you like it
      满分:2  分
40.  It( )that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.
A. took place
B. occurred
C. broke out
D. happened
      满分:2  分
41.  ( )all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.
A. Spending
B. To spend
C. Spend
D. Spended
      满分:2  分
42.  – Go that way and take a seat.        – ( ).
A. No, I'm not tired
B. Thanks, but I'd rather stand
C. Yes, that's a good way
D. It doesn't matter
      满分:2  分
43.  – What's the problem, Harry? – ( ).
A. No problem
B. No trouble at all
C. Thank you for asking me about it
D. I can't remember where I left my glasses
      满分:2  分
44.  By the end of this year, I( )enough money for a holiday.
A. will save
B. will be saving
C. will have saved
D. will be saved
      满分:2  分
45.  You look( ). What( )you( )?
A. tire, did…do
B. tiring, have…done
C. tired, do…do
D. tired, have…been doing
      满分:2  分
46.  The picture is pleasant( )_.
A. to look at
B. to look
C. to be looked at
D. looking at

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