一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V
1. Means are various _____or suggestions.
A. alter
B. alternatives
C. alteration
D. alternate
满分:3 分
2. ____is a process by which we teachers acquire the knowledge and skills that are essential to effective professional practice throughout our teaching careers.
A. Personal development
B. Social development
C. Professional development
D. Knowledge development
满分:3 分
3. Meaning relationships: words or phrase that are connected with other words or phrases in terms of relations. _____ can be mastered through both usage learning and use acquiring.
A. Vocabulary knowledge
B. contextual meaning
C. Intensive reading
D. roots
满分:3 分
4. The essence of personal growth is to develop______of oneself by comprehending one’s past, potentialities of one’s future, and one’s place in the present environment (Burns 1979).
A. abilities
B. perceptions
C. recognition
D. knowledge
满分:3 分
5. Academic abilities means students have the ability to learn _____.
A. hopefully
B. helpfully
C. happily
D. autonomously
满分:3 分
6. If a test looks as if it measures what it is intended to measure, then it is supposed to have ____
A. content validity
B. criterion-related validity
C. construct validity
D. face validity
满分:3 分
7. Technical rationality holds that practitioners are instrumental problem solvers who select____means best suited to particular purposes.
A. theoretical
B. systematic
C. practical
D. technical
满分:3 分
8. The Intralingual errors happen within one language, meaning a faulty _____, incomplete application and failure to learn conditions under which apply.
A. generate rule
B. generator students
C. generalization; rules
D. generating student
满分:3 分
9. There are_____ phonetic symbols.
A. 20
B. 28
C. 48
D. 26
满分:3 分
10. Written discourse is stable and fixed while spoken discourse is fleeting and moves on in real time. This shows the ____of written discourse.
A. standardness
B. detachment
C. permanence
D. formal style