
标题: 16秋《听说》( II )作业1 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2016-11-30 14:53
标题: 16秋《听说》( II )作业1
16秋《听说》( II )作业1
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V
1.  第一次作业问题14
A. Because the boy was not a full-time worker.
B. Because the boy had made some mistakes.
C. Because he thought the boy had failed to meet his requirements.
D. Because he thought it was his son who should pay him.
      满分:5  分
2.  第一次作业问题15
A. Watching traditional plays.
B. Visiting the magnificent libraries.
C. Boating on the river.
D. Cycling in narrow streets.
      满分:5  分
3.  第一次作业问题16
A. There are many visitors.
B. There are many students there.
C. There are many old streets there.
D. There are many bicycles there.
      满分:5  分
4.  第一次作业问题5
A. In New York.
B. In Boston.
C. In Newport.
D. In Washington.
      满分:5  分
5.  第一次作业问题17
A. He thinks the city is too crowded.
B. He likes the place very much.
C. He thinks the streets are too narrow.
D. He admires the comfortable life of the students there.
      满分:5  分
6.  第一次作业问题8
A. He's better.
B. He's feeling worse.
C. He's sick in bed.
D. He has recovered.
      满分:5  分
7.  第一次作业问题7
A. A guest and a receptionist.
B. A passenger and an air hostess.
C. A customer and a shop assistant.
D. A guest and a waitress.
      满分:5  分
8.  第一次作业问题20
A. He is a sportsman.
B. He is an actor.
C. He is a photographer.
D. He is a publisher.
      满分:5  分
9.  第一次作业问题13
A. To pay him for his work.
B. To let him have 3 meals a day in the restaurant.
C. To give his friends free drinks.
D. To allow him to have more free time.
      满分:5  分
10.  第一次作业问题11
A. Washing plates.
B. Clearing tables.
C. Shining shoes.
D. Sweeping the floor.
      满分:5  分
11.  第一次作业问题3

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