
标题: 东财15春学期《大学英语2》期末考核作业答案 [打印本页]

作者: 奥鹏作业答案    时间: 2015-4-22 12:35
标题: 东财15春学期《大学英语2》期末考核作业答案
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--
单选题 阅读理解 完型填空  

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Would you ______ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?
A. stick
B. suck
C. pick
D. spit
      满分:3  分
2.  According ______ travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.
A. at
B. on
C. to
D. in
      满分:3  分
3.  Even though we had lost the ______ of our family, everyone came on Christmas Day-making an effort to be cheerful.
A. bachelor
B. master
C. doctor
D. post doctor
      满分:3  分
4.   Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience.
Speaker B: ________ .  
A. Don't worry about it
B. OK. With great pleasure
C. Oh, really? That's OK
D. I?m sorry to hear that
      满分:3  分
5.  -________?
-I'd like to see a pair of brown shoes.  
A. What do you want
B. What do you like
C. What can I do for you
D. Do you want to buy something
      满分:3  分
6.  Tom is going to a concert tomorrow evening. So ______.
A.  I am
B. am I
C. I will
D. will I
      满分:3  分
7.  Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we? Flora: _______, but I can't.
A. I wish I could
B. We shall
C. Yes, let's
D. You will
      满分:3  分
8.  Doctor: _______
Patient: I've caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.
A. Do you have anything to declare, sir?
B. What seems to be the problem?
C. Good morning. May I help you?
D. How have you been getting along recently?  
      满分:3  分
9.  Thad: Gee, Susan. I'd love a cup of coffee.
Susan: ______. Is instant OK?  
A. Sure thing
B. No problem
C. I'm sure
D. No kidding
      满分:3  分
10.  They resort ______ fast food which is fatty and contains high amount of cholesterol.
A. with
B. at
C. on
D. to
      满分:3  分
11.  Thomas: Hey, you look concerned.______
Jack: The final exam. I'm not fully prepared yet.  
A. What a lovely day!
B. What has attracted you?
C. What's on your mind?
D.  What about seeing the doctor?
      满分:3  分
12.  Niu Lang ______ his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend.
A. resided
B. inhabited
C. lived
D. dwelt
      满分:3  分
13.   Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Don't tell me you ate them all!
Morley: Yes, I did. _________ .  
A. I couldn't bear it.
B. They were too good to eat
C. I couldn't help it.
D. They were good to eat
      满分:3  分
14.  The health seeking youths can following the ______ of natural living.
A. principles
B. principals
C. principality
D. prince
      满分:3  分
15.  Guest: Oh, it's ten o'clock. I'd better go now.
Host: ______  
A. OK. Please walk slowly.
B.  Why do you want to go now? Don't you want to stay?
C. Yeah, it's really late. Why not immediately?
D. Won't you stay for another cup of coffee?
      满分:3  分
16.  Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper? Speaker B: _______ .
A. I really can't. You'll not mind, I think
B. Let's put it off till later
C. Thanks, but I have to work that evening
D. No, I don't want to
      满分:3  分
17.  After two months, he had ______ news of what she was doing in Tokyo.
A.  few
B. little
C. several
D. a
      满分:3  分
18.  My watch is not working. ________? It's ten past eleven.
A. What time is it
B. What's the time
C. What time is it by your watch
D. What is time by your watch
      满分:3  分
19.   It was ______ that he couldn't finish it alone.
A. a so difficult work
B. a so difficult job
C. such a difficult job
D. such a difficult work
      满分:3  分
20.  Jack never showed ______ at the cinema, although I waited over an hour.
A. off
B. in
C. on
D. up
      满分:3  分

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