
标题: 《大学英语(二)》16春作业考核 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2016-5-9 17:57
标题: 《大学英语(二)》16春作业考核
试卷总分:100   测试时间:--
1.Neither Tom nor Jane _____ this kind of films, so they left the cinema half an hour before it finishe
A. cared of
B. cared for
C. took care
D. took care of
2.It’s almost ____ that Mr. Barry will win the next election.
A. certain
B. sure
C. certainly
D. surely
3.Breakfast is _____ in the dining-room from 6:30 to 8:29 a.m. at this hotel.
A. served
B. made
C. eaten
D. cooked
4.Trade Union representatives are chosen by _____; all the members have a vote.
A. chance
B. choice
C. election
D. selection
5.How long does it _____to travel from Xi’an to Guilin
A. use
B. cost
C. spend
D. take
6.Our team _____ the visitors in the football match yesterday afternoon.
A. got the first of
B. got the best of
C. took the first of
D. took the best of
7.Our country has _____ great changes in the last thirty years.
A. experienced
B. practised
C. experimented
D. involved
8.The experiment _____ that energy is required to produce a change of state.
A. concentrated
B. demonstrated
C. exhibited
D. displayed
9.The whole nation is involved in the _____ to stop drug abuse(滥用毒品).
A. crime
B. ease
C. campaign
D. battle
10.He looked up and saw that the moon was _____ the trees in the east.
A. in
B. above
C. on
D. among
11.Look, the children are playing. Let's go and _____ them.
A. take part in
B. attend
C. join
D. enter for
12.Can you tell Mary _____ her twin(双胞胎) sister
A. to
B. with
C. between
D. from
13.Last night a fire _____ in that market, so the firm suffered a heavy loss.
A. broke up
B. broke out
C. broke of
D. broke down
14.It will take seven days for the package to _____ Beijing.
A. get
B. arrive
C. reach
D. go
15.The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continents, though considerable variations are to be found over so _____ an area.
A. expensive
B. expansive
C. extensive
D. intensive
16.As time went on, some products of poor quality were _____out of the market.
A. let
B. lost
C. dropped
D. driven
17.I think it is hard to _____ what you said.
A. ensure
B. convince
C. agree
D. believe
18.Don’t _____ . I can help you with the typing.
A. matter
B. care
C. worry
D. concern
19.Mr. John has decided that he will _____the branch company set up in the small town.
A. take over
B. had in
C. put in
D. lead to
20.The music was very noisy. I couldn’t _____it.
A. carry
B. suffer
C. bear
D. support
21.This morning when I was walking to my office, I _____ to see an old friend of mine near the office building.
A. occurred
B. happened
C. managed
D. settled
22.The librarian is arranging the books, which are not in their proper ____.
A. line
B. turn
C. row
D. order
23.He _____several jackets and finally picked out a blue one.
A. tried on
B. went on
C. took on
D. got on
24.Newspapers and magazines have _____ the secret agreement between the government and the opposition forces.
A. delighted
B. exposed
C. reached
D. recovered
25._____ language, maths and history, the children are also taught music and art.
A. Beside
B. Except
C. In spite of
D. In addition to
History appears to have provided many examples of whether war has eventually resulting in peace, this perception is an error. The end of war does not bring peace; it just brings about the end of 1. This confusion in defining the result of 2 a war as an indication of peace can be corrected by being willing to see things 3 and more clearly.
Being at peace is not just a ceasing of hostilities, 4 a characteristic of how you live and how you treat others within the world. Being at peace is more than not engaging in war. Being at peace is 5 embracing (拥抱) and extending peace by being peaceful and pursuing peaceful methods of existence. When we are not doing so, we are not at peace, 6 there is an active war underway or not.
There are almost endless examples for us to think war was necessary in our past 7 bring about peace and it’s hard to understand how we could have survived without engaging 8 war to either protect ourselves 9 gain something we valued or believed we needed. This method of thinking only exists because we go far, far out of our way to not see 10 there is always a peaceful solution.
A. peace
B.  war
C. world      
D.  problem
A. ending     
B. having
C.  losing
D. collecting
A. alike
B. same      
C.  differently
D. recent
A.  as
B. and
C.  or
D. but
A. to
B. about      
C. in
D. away
A.  whether
B. what
C. which
A. on
B. with
C. to
D. down
A.  in
B. on
C. to
D. behind
A. both
B.  nor
C. no
A. when
B. where      
C.  that
To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun!
Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, back in the eleventh century B.C.
We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high office.
In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.
During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella practically disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it was considered a symbol of power and authority. By 1680, the umbrella appeared in France, and later on in England.
By the eighteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women’s umbrellas began to be made, in a whole variety of colors.
1).According to this passage, the umbrella was probably first invented ( ) .
in ancient China
B.  in ancient Egypt
C. in ancient Greece
D. in ancient Rome
2).Which of the following statements is not true about the umbrella
A. No one exactly knows who was the inventor of the umbrella.
B. The umbrella was first invented to be used as protection against the sun.
C. The umbrella changed much in style in the eighteenth century.
D. In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella.
3).A strange feature of the umbrella’s use is that it was used as ( ).
A. protection against rain.
B. a shade against the sun
C. a symbol of honor and power
women’s decoration
4).In Europe, the umbrella was first used against the rain( ) .
A. during the Middle Ages
B.  by the eighteenth century
C. in Rome
D. in Greece
5).This passage talks mainly about( ).
A. when and how the umbrella was invented
B.  why the umbrella was so popular in Europe
C. the development of the umbrella
D. the history and use of the umbrella
Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox at nursery school.
These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup---they all die. So do we.
And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: Look. Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living.
Think of what a better world it would be if we all—the whole world—had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nations to always put things back where found them and cleaned up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is better to hold hands and stick together.
1).According to the writer, a person's wisdom originates from his ( ) .
A. college

B. graduate school
C. kindergarten
high school
2).Which of the following is not learnt in nursery school
A. Play fair
B.  Clean up your own mess
C. Make warm cookies
3).What is also learnt in nursery school
A. When you go out, you'd better take care not to be hit by a car.
When you go out, you'd better take a bus.
C.  When you go out, you'd better join hands to keep warm.
D. When you go out, you should avoid meeting strangers.
4).We know we will ( ) one day just like gold fish do.
A. become old
B. become a mom or dad
C.  get ill
D.  die
5).In the last paragraph the writer implies that parts of the world are still suffering from ( ) .
A. population growth
B. social crimes
C. .poverty  
D.  housing shortage

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