
标题: 英语阅读(二)15秋在线作业2 [打印本页]

作者: 李老师    时间: 2016-2-25 11:25
标题: 英语阅读(二)15秋在线作业2
试卷总分:100   测试时间:--
1.Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of ## at people.
A. glancing
B. peering
C. gazing
D. scanning
2.The school is strongly against () between boys and girls.
A. friendship
B. friends
C. flirtation
D. help
3.I didn't want to get involved in the argument, so I held () my tongue when asked about my opinion.
A. on
B. up
C. in
D. off
4.The husband’s () on her made Helen finally decide to get a divorce.
A. fight
B. betrayal
C. go
D. waste
5.He was so () that he believed whatever he was told.
A. credulous
B. incredulous
C. credible
D. incredible
6.Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the () majority are inactive.
A. tremendous
B. demanding
C. intensive
D. overwhelming
7.He insisted on his name () in full.
A. write
B. was written
C. be written
D. being written
8.Those who lost their husbands during World War II were () war widows.
A. called as
B. named
C. referred to
D. spoken of as
9.It () on Helen Keller that everything had a name.
A. occurred
B. downed
C. dawned
D. hit
10.He worked hard on the construction site with a view () some experience.
A. to gain
B. to gaining
C. for gaining
D. to be gaining
11.It rained heavily last night; () the land was flooded.
A. in other words
B. consequently
C. in addition
D. besides
12.It is not an easy job for the teacher to () the books because there are 100 students in the class.
A. distribute
B. pass
C. send
D. disperse
13.She is always () to helping the needy.
A. ready
B. willing
C. committed
D. like
14.We would like to () you in this research project.
A. draw
B. call on
C. involve
D. call at
15.Though he is not very rich, he always sets () some money to help the homeless.
A. back
B. aside
C. in
D. on
16.Laughing at him is a(n) () because he is the headmaster's son.
A. mistake
B. error
C. blunder
D. fallacy
17.Smoking is () in this area, as it is near the gas station.
A. allowed
B. permitted
C. stopped
D. prohibited
18.The new bridge will be designed in () with the international standards.
A. relation
B. line
C. addition
D. degree
19.He often () fun at his deskmate, who is undersized.
A. pokes
B. makes
C. causes
D. shows
20.Newspapers vary greatly in their () to the government.
A. opinion
B. attitude
C. bias
D. comment
1.The UN definition of refugee().
A. is scientific and authoritative
B. is too narrow
C. doesn’t count people escaping from their countries for economic and environmental reasons
D. doesn’t count people who have fled violence but have stayed in their own nations.
2.Which description does not fit an art lesson in a Western country
A. Children draw the same pictures as that on the blackboard.
B. Each child draws a different picture.
C. Children listen while the teacher lectures.
D. Children watch TV in class.
3.What are the changes in the Japanese attitude to work and life
A. Businessmen often discuss business at nightclubs, where they eat and drink and have a good time.
B. People can talk about business while doing some sports such as golf.
C. They hate work now.
D. They think work is not necessary.
4.How does the author summarize the volunteer experience
A. She will remember this experience forever.
B. It is valuable.
C. It is hard and tiring.
D. It is irrelevant and useless now.
5.What are the reasons for urban population growth
A. Modern medicine and new methods of food production allow adults to live longer.
B. Better medical condition enables a higher birthrate and survival of babies.
C. More job vacancies are available in cities.
D. Cities are more pleasant in air and natural view.
6.Work Friends ().
A. share certain memories which acquire a nostalgic glow
B. may survive job changes
C. can be separated by company gossip
D. are forever
7.Who is most probably a typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement
A. A man who has accumulated considerable wealth and has already been stung once.
B. A person who has been injured before and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems.
C. A nave and wealthy person.
D. An ambitious and miserly guy.
8.NASA ().
A. stands for National Aeronautical and Space Administration
B. was trying to find ways to clean the air in space stations
C. tries to find ways to clean the air in space stations. He discovered that houseplants actually remove pollutants from the air
D. has succe
9.In most Asian societies, the people have the same().
A. skin color
B. language
C. history
D. culture
10.Workaholics ().
A. actually enjoy work
B. are as addicted to their jobs as other people are to drugs or alcohol
C. spend many extra hours on the job each week
D. often take work home with them
1.Population experts tell us that by the year 2025, the population in cities in developing nations will increase to five times its present size.
A. 错误
B. 正确
2.Companies are trying to alter the pig's genetic code to prevent pig organs from being attacked by humans.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3.It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as a complete one.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4.The author joined the volunteer work because she can get a free ticket.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5.Present Clinton paid attention to the moral implication of cloning and ignored the legal aspect.
A. 错误
B. 正确
6.Some experts are worried about the creation of a new social class: “the clones”
A. 错误
B. 正确
7.Each educational system is a mirror that reflects the culture of the society.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8.Some lawyers justified almost 100 percent of all marriages in the United States end up on the trash heap.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9.More and more Indian farmers are leaving their homes to find a better life in cities because the countryside is damaged.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10.The population of cities in developing nations is getting smaller.
A. 错误
B. 正确

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