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东北大学 今日: 0|主题: 31761|排名: 28 

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安通公司的投资决策是否正确?如果存在问题,主要问题是什么? 2. 安通公司应对饭... 李老师 2019-4-9 0684 李老师 2019-4-9 13:15
安通公司是一家特种机械制造公司。该公司下设10个专业工厂,分布在全国10个省市,... 李老师 2019-4-9 0768 李老师 2019-4-9 13:15
患儿,女,系G1P1。孕33周出生,顺产,出生体重2220g,羊水清,脐带胎盘正常,无胎... 李老师 2019-4-9 01349 李老师 2019-4-9 11:07
26岁妇女,葡萄胎清宫术后6个月,停经90天,近7日出现阴道不规则流血,咳嗽咳痰,... 李老师 2019-4-9 0878 李老师 2019-4-9 11:07
一男青年,35岁,骑自行车上班时被汽车撞倒,右上腹车轮碾过,伤后腹痛,头昏、乏力... 李老师 2019-4-9 0576 李老师 2019-4-9 11:07
江某,男,63岁。既往有乙肝病史10余年。1周前出现双下肢水肿,伴腹胀。身体评估:... 李老师 2019-4-9 0738 李老师 2019-4-9 11:07
It is easy to get the software we need __________the market is small. A)... 李老师 2019-4-8 0572 李老师 2019-4-8 21:46
In recent years,there have been over 30 foreign companies _____ business in ... 李老师 2019-4-8 0551 李老师 2019-4-8 21:46
We support the view that poor management will ______business failure. A)... 李老师 2019-4-8 0527 李老师 2019-4-8 21:46
Your sales methods will depend the customers with whom you deal. A) with... 李老师 2019-4-8 0791 李老师 2019-4-8 21:46
To _____ the truth,I really didn’t know anything about yesterday’s meeting... 李老师 2019-4-8 0724 李老师 2019-4-8 21:46
She’s because she has won the 1st Prize. A. excite B. excited C... 李老师 2019-4-8 0548 李老师 2019-4-8 21:45
A station stands on a mountain at an altitude (海拔) of 6000 feet sea ... 李老师 2019-4-8 0543 李老师 2019-4-8 21:45
I had rather you with her than I did, for you two had a closer relatio... 李老师 2019-4-8 0597 李老师 2019-4-8 21:45
There is a woman at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think she m... 李老师 2019-4-8 0560 李老师 2019-4-8 21:45
This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentence... 李老师 2019-4-8 0697 李老师 2019-4-8 21:44
I tried to get out of the business____ I found impossible to carry on. A)why... 李老师 2019-4-8 0634 李老师 2019-4-8 21:43
Please note that 1 will be away from Boston next week.____you want to call m... 李老师 2019-4-8 0909 李老师 2019-4-8 21:43
____that I wasn’t going to get much chance for promotion,I soon because bor... 李老师 2019-4-8 0561 李老师 2019-4-8 21:42
I don’t regret____her what I thought about her proposal, even if it upset he... 李老师 2019-4-8 0533 李老师 2019-4-8 21:42
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