李老师 发表于 2015-6-29 15:48:33


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--
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一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.6. ---- Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan? ---- ( )
A. Don’t ask me.
B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.
C. I don’t like the Japanese food.
D. Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
2.24. ---- What shall we do this Saturday? ---- ( )
A. I don’t know.
B. Why not climb the mountain?
C. What do you think?
D. Sorry, I’m busy.
3.24. The little horse is afraid ( ) on the narrow bridge, for it is afraid ( ) into the river.
A. to walk; to fall
B. of walking; to fall
C. to walk; of falling
D. of walking; of falling
4.25. ---- Would you mind helping me? ---- ( )
A. What can I do for you?
B. I have no idea.
C. Sorry, I’m busy now.
D. I would love to.
5.10. ---- Mrs. Johnson, I come to say good-bye. This party was very good. ---- ( )
A. Have a pleasant journey. I will miss you
B. Do you really like it?
C. I’m happy you enjoyed it.
D. Why not stay here a little longer?
6.17. ---- Can you turn down the radio , please? I’m preparing the final exams. ---- ( )
A. Oh, I know.
B. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was so loud.
C. Sorry, I’ll keep it down next time.
D. Please forgive me.
7.30. But for Mr. Wang, we ( ) such a happy life now.
A. wouldn’t be living
B. won’t be living
C. couldn’t live
D. are not able to live
8.29. What would you do if you ( )to meet with bad weather?
A. were
B. are going
C. have
D. are
9.26. ( ) I would go there myself.
A. were I you
B. I were you
C. If I had been you
D. Had I been you
10.8. Why ( ) the dinosaurs first?
A. don’t visit
B. not you visit
C. not visit
D. you not visit
11.19. As my mother has been separated from her parents for forty years, she ( ) information of them.
A. run out of
B. run short of
C. is short of
D. is short
12.22. Ms. Wang is waiting at her office. Please go and ( ) here.
A. pick out her
B. pick up her
C. pick her out
D. pick her up
13.15. The developing country has to ( ) to terms with those superpowers.
A. come
B. get
C. take
D. go
14.27. ---- Please give me a hand to print out the report, won't you? ---- ( )
A. Of course I will.
B. You’re welcome.
C. You are so kind.
D. Don’t mention it.
15.8. ---- Good night and thanks again. ---- ( )
A. You can’t say that.
B. Good night.
C. How can you say that?
D. Oh ,no. It’s what I can do.
16.12. ---- I'm leaving for Europe on business next Saturday. ---- ( )
A. I’ll miss you.
B. Have a good trip.
C. You are so lucky.
D. I hate Europe.
17.23. By his genius he ( ) all these old stories ( ) masterpieces of his life.
A. put; into
B. turned; into
C. wrote; as
D. set; as
18.16. ( ) I know, the new library will be completed in two months.
A. So far as
B. So long as
C. So far
D. As long as
19.14. ---- Hello, may I talk to the Mrs. Chen now? ---- ( )
A. Sorry, he is not available at the moment.
B. No, you can’t.
C. Sorry, I don’t know.
D. Who are you?
20.11. It is a bad habit to ( ) others.
A. make a fun of
B. make fun to
C. make up for
D. make fun of
21.28. ---- May I help you clean the window, Miss Li? ---- ( )
A. I’d really appreciate it if you could.
B. No, you can not do that.
C. It’s my duty.
D. You may.
22.9. She promises that she will ( ) to me in three days.
A. return the money
B. return back the money
C. get the money back
D. pay back the money
23.9. ---- Listen, I’ve really got to run. We'll have to get together again sometime. ---- ( )
A. Yes, it’s great fun.
B. OK, when shall we get together again?
C. Oh, it’s a pity for you.
D. Ok, see you.
24.21. People will think well of the actions that ( ) the will of theirs.
A. go against
B. go with
C. turn over
D. destroy
25.6. This sentence is ( ) difficult ( ) few of the students can understand it.
A. too…to
B. very, that
C. so, that
D. such, that
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