奥鹏作业答案 发表于 2015-5-10 14:16:47


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.– What about going for a walk? – ( ).
A. Walking is good to you
B. That's all right
C. So, do I
D. Why not? A good idea
2.– I'm sorry. Bob's not in his office. – ( ).
A. Can you take a message for me
B. Are you sure for that
C. Would you like to leave a message
D. Can you phone me
3.She comes from( )People's Republic of China.
A. one
B. a
C. 不填
D. the
4.– Must I do the washing-up tonight? – ( ).
A. No, you mustn't if you don't want
B. Leave it if you're exhausted
C. Washing-up is really exhausting
D. Washing-up really takes up time
5.I have lived here( )1997.
A. for
B. since
C. at
D. after
6.– Is there a drugstore near here? – ( ).
A. It's very small
B. It's very crowded
C. It's a cheap one
D. Yes, there is a big one
7.– Could I borrow your CD of English songs? – ( ).
A. No, I am not available
B. I'm sorry. It's not at hand now
C. It's very kind of you
D. Thank you very much
8.– I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? – ( ).
A. You are kind to invite me
B. Yes, please
C. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet
D. I find pizza is tasty
9.– What's the problem, Harry? – ( ).
A. No problem
B. No trouble at all
C. Thank you for asking me about it
D. I can't remember where I left my glasses
10.– Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? – ( ).
A. Yes, they do
B. Yes, they are
C. No, there aren't
D. No, they don't
11.– Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? – ( ).
A. That's fine, thank you
B. Yes, please
C. Take a seat
D. Of course not
12.– I heard your motorcar was stolen. – ( ).
A. I'm sorry to hear that
B. It doesn't matter
C. Everybody knew it except you
D. Mine wasn't but Bill's was
13.– Ami, I want this report typed today. – ( ).
A. It'll be ready in the afternoon, sir
B. I'd like you to help me
C. I know nothing about the report
D. Leave it to tomorrow
14.– Must we hand in our homework now? – ( ).
A. Yes, you will
B. Yes, you mustn't
C. No, you needn't
D. No, you mustn't
15.That place is( )the south of the city.
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. to
16.I can do that job( )myself.
A. by
B. on
C. with
D. 不填
17.He has( )four successful books.
A. wrote
B. written
C. been writing
D. writen
18.– Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. – ( ).
A. Sorry, I've had enough
B. Thank you, Helen
C. Yes. But it isn't cooked well
D. Help yourself to it, too
19.Could you please pay me( )advance?
A. 不填
B. on
C. in
D. for
20.The policeman was attacked( )a knife.
A. on
B. by
C. for
D. with
21.– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ).
A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either
B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick
C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that
D. You’d better do exercises regularly
22.A new hotel( )in the centre of town at the moment.
A. has been built
B. is built
C. is being built
D. was built
23.– What subjects are you studying? – ( ).
A. Yes, I'm studying history
B. I'm studying now
C. I'm studying philosophy
D. I'm doing my homework
24.– Do you think the exam will be put off? – ( ).
A. Not good news
B. The exam is difficult
C. Not likely
D. It was put off yesterday
25.– What if my computer doesn't work? – ( ).
A. I'm not good at computer
B. Ask Anne for help
C. I've called the repair shop
D. There must be something wrong
26.– Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? – ( ).
A. No, there isn't
B. Yes, it is
C. On the ground floor
D. It is empty
27.– Everyone knows where the shop is, but who's the owner? – ( ).
A. Steve
B. Everyone does
C. At the next door
D. Yes, it's a secret
28.My car was being( )when it was stolen.
A. to repair
B. repair
C. repairing
D. repaired
29.She likes to spend time( )with her grandchildren.
A. play
B. to play
C. playing
D. played
30.– Jack, are you leaving now? It's 7:20. – ( ).
A. Yes, it's still early
B. No, thirty minutes is enough
C. Yes, the bag is not ready
D. No, I'll set off in 30 minutes
31.– Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? – ( ).
A. Yes, but I'll have English classes
B. Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. Brown
C. I'm afraid I have no idea
D. I won't. It's kind of you
32.– I wonder if Tim could control the situation. – ( ).
A. It's none of your business
B. You'll get involved in it
C. Tim must be thinking about it
D. Well, if he can't control it, no one can
33.If I get the new job, I( )buy a better car.
A. 不填
B. will
C. would
D. might
34.– Will you please turn down the TV? – ( ).
A. I'll turn it down next time
B. Never mind if you turn it down
C. It sounds reasonable
D. Sorry. I haven't realized you're sleeping
35.The bedroom needs( ).
A. decorating
B. to decorate
C. decorate
D. decorated
36.– Is this the motel you mentioned? – ( ).
A. It looks comfortable
B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected
C. You're so considerate
D. No, the price's reasonable
37.– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. – ( ).
A. Either have I
B. Neither have I
C. Haven't I
D. So have I
38.– I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised. – ( ).
A. The party won't start until 8:00
B. Thank you for having the party for me
C. Don't worry. He always keeps his word
D. The party must cost a lot
39.I'm tired. I( )working very hard.
A. have
B. am
C. had
D. have been
40.– Where to? I'm so thirsty. – ( )?
A. Why don't we go now
B. Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar
C. Why didn't you look up the map
D. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier
41.( )majority of people agree with him.
A. The
B. A
C. 不填
D. One
42.The blue whale is( )largest animal in the world.
A. a
B. the
C. 不填
D. the most
43.– The lecture given by professor Smith was really interesting. – ( ).
A. I couldn't agree with you more
B. I'm going to listen to it
C. It sounds reasonable
D. It didn't last too long
44.– Nice weather, isn't it? – ( ).
A. I'm not sure
B. You know it well
C. Yes, it is
D. Yes, it isn't
45.I broke my leg when I( )skiing in America.
A. 不填
B. is
C. was
D. has been
46.– There's a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? – ( ).
A. Fine. But it's my treat this time
B. It's newly decorated
C. Let's look at the menu first
D. I have no idea about what to order
47.The road( )built last year.
A. has been
B. has being built
C. is being
D. was
48.– In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off. – ( ).
A. I'll take your advice
B. Let me see
C. Never mind
D. I'm afraid so
49.– When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? – ( ).
A. I've never been there
B. The next one is faster
C. They leave every hour
D. The city is far away
50.– Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. – ( ).
A. There's no problem
B. It's a pleasure
C. That's quite all right
D. I didn't realize that
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