李老师 发表于 2017-1-22 20:55:07


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V
1.Since they had no cars ,the students could do nothing but ___ a lift.
A. to thumb
B. thumb
C. thumbing
D. must thumb
2.Johnny's parents always let him have his own ____.
A. will
B. way
C. wish
D. demand
3.Under no circumstances ____ to sell the land .
A. will agree
B. they will agree
C. will agree they
D. will they agree
4.Even experts have difficulty ___ which depressed patients need protection .
A. to decide
B. decide
C. when to decide
D. deciding .
5.In Scotland ,minor cases were _____ with a jury in the Sheriff courts .
A. tested
B. examined
C. tried
D. considered
6.Cindy ____ some sweets from her bag and insisted they be shared among her friends .
A. distributed
B. pulled
C. produced
D. drew
7.The amount of time you spend outdoors ____ your skeleton .
A. affects
B. effects
C. impairs
D. weakens
8.—Many of us thought that last night's play was generally poor . —I didn't find ____ .
A. it so
B. it
C. it be
D. it is
9.Eighteen is the ____ voting age in our country .
A. competent
B. minimal
C. minimum
D. maximum
10.As we've run out of beef ,we will have to ____ with pork for dinner .
A. make do
B. do it up
C. make up
D. compensate for
11.Group discussions,moderated by the teacher ,give young learners important practice in taking ____and stating one's views.
A. shifts
B. changes
C. turns
D. parts
12.When he declined the job offer ,he didin't mean ___the company .
A. insulting
B. wanting to insult
C. any insult
D. to insult
13.When my mother saw the school 's advertisement in the newspaper ,she enrolled my older brother and me for music and literature _______.
A. causes
B. schools
C. courses
D. assignments
14.Workers seldom commit acts of violence ,because they can put their aggression into their work ,___it physical like the work of a smith ,or mental like the work of a scientist .
A. be
B. were
C. is
D. was
15.____his parents'objections ,he would have become an artist .
A. It had not been for
B. Hadn't it been for
C. Had it not been for
D. If had not been for
16.Einstain ,____ changed our ways of seeing the universe ,did not learn to read until he was ten .
A. which theories
B. that his theories
C. whose theories
D. who theories
17.It is necessary that an efficient worker ___his work on time .
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