奥鹏作业答案 发表于 2015-4-17 15:54:32


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.-I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. -( ).
A. That's true
B. It's hard to say
C. I like the team
D. I don't believe it
2.They had succeeded ( )the task in time.
A. at completing
B. to complete
C. in completing
D. complete
3.I love that new car. The ( )I think.
A. fast the good
B. fastest the best
C. faster the better
D. fast the well
4.-How are things with you, Bill? -( ).
A. Hello, Sue
B. I'm terribly busy these days
C. Mind your own business
D. See you later
5.-I'm taking my driving test tomorrow. -( )
A. Cheers!
B. Good luck!
C. Come on!
D. Congratulations!
6.This is change ( )never before experienced.
A. with a scale
B. in a scale
C. for a scale
D. on a scale
7.-Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? -( )
A. Yes, but I'll have English classes.
B. Sorry, I have an appointment with Dr. Brown.
C. I'm afraid I have no idea.
D. I won't. It's kind of you.
8.The light is on. He ( )at home.
A. must have been
B. would be
C. must be
D. will be
9.- Do you think I should study Japanese or French? - ( ).
A. It's your own decision
B. None of your business
C. It's up to you
D. That's all right
10.Jack is good, hard working and intelligent. ( ). I can't speak too highly of him.
A. As a result
B. By the way
C. On the contrary
D. In a word
11.-Oh, sorry to bother you. -( ).
A. That's okay
B. No, you can't
C. That's good
D. Oh, I don't know
12.Joan had ( )for 75 hours before she got her licence.
A. fly
B. flown
C. to fly
D. flying
13.-Can I help you with your suitcase? -( ).
A. I have no idea
B. No, no. I can carry it myself
C. That's a good idea
D. Thank you. I can manage myself
14.-Would you like a cup of coffee? -( ).
A. It's very kind of you
B. No, I wouldn't
C. Yes, please
D. Here you are
15.The course was ( )good that I told my friend to do it.
A. such
B. very
C. so
D. extremely
16.We had no problem ( )his house.
A. at finding
B. to finding
C. in finding
D. find
17.She promised to ( )me off at the station tomorrow.
A. see
B. get
C. meet
D. carry
18.( )you finish your homework, you can't watch TV.
A. If
B. Therefore
C. However
D. Unless
19.Thirty per cent of meals ( )by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains.
A. consuming
B. consumed
C. to consume
D. are consumed
20.Do you know that gentleman ( )?
A. dressing the black suit
B. in a black suit
C. wears a black suit
D. with the black suit
21.Bill doesn't ( )what people say about him.
A. concern
B. matter
C. care
D. disturb
22.He owns 3 factories ( ).
A. employing 100 people each
B. employing each 100 people
C. each employ 100 people
D. each employs 100 people
23.By 2050 the level of industrial pollution ( )dangerous levels in many cities.
A. will have reach
B. will has reached
C. will have reached
D. will reach
24.-What does this word mean, Joe? -( ).
A. Sorry, I don't know, either
B. Joe is a boy's name
C. Of course, I'm Joe
D. This word means Joe
25.Many languages are ( )to die out.
A. likely
B. probably
C. possibly
D. mostly
26.-May I see the menu, please? I've been waiting an hour already. -( ).
A. That is the menu, sir
B. Yes, please go on
C. Here you are, sir
D. Of course, sir
27.Kate works as( )as her sister.
A. more hard
B. hardly
C. harder
D. hard
28.-What would you like to have, meat or fish? -( ).
A. Either will do
B. Yes, I like meat
C. Yes, I like fish
D. No, they are not my favorite
29.The Gobi Desert is ( )than Britain.
A. seven times bigger
B. bigger seven times
C. seven bigger times
D. seven times big
30.You ( )put the passport in the suitcase, I may need it at any time.
A. mustn't have
B. wouldn't have
C. shouldn't have
D. won't have
31.-May I use your bike to go shopping? -( ).
A. Yes, I give it to you
B. Certainly. There it is
C. Yes, I'd love to
D. I'm not sure
32.-What a great race! Do you like it? -( ).
A. Yes, it is really disappointing
B. No, I like it
C. No, it's worth seeing it
D. Yeah. It's really exciting.
33.-I want to go to New York. What's the fare? -( ).
A. Can you say for a second time?
B. Pardon?
C. I don't understand anything.
D. I'm sorry.
34.-Northwestern Airlines. May I help you? -( ).
A. Yes, I'd like to have two pints of beer, please
B. Yes, I'd like some information about morning flights from Beijing to Detroit
C. Well, there's a flight at 11:00 am. It's a nonstop flight
D. Well, all the seats have been reserved
35.He couldn't ( )the trip because he had no money.
A. make
B. take
C. go
D. get
36.Could you please tell me ( )?
A. how long have you lived here
B. how long you lived here
C. how long you have lived here
D. you have lived here how long
37.-I got an A in Physics. -( ).
A. Don't worry about it
B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course
C. You are very good
D. Good luck to you!
38.Cities attract people because of the ( )for labour in the manufacturing and service industries.
A. requirement
B. call
C. interest
D. demand
39.Are you ( )of the mistakes you have made?
A. aware
B. sure
C. clear
D. knowing
40.That smells lovely. ( )delicious food!
A. Which
B. What
C. What a
D. How a
41.( )she passes her exams, she won't get into university.
A. If
B. Unless
C. When
D. Because
42.Would you mind telling me ( ).
A. where are you from
B. where you were from
C. where you are from
D. you are from where
43.-How often do you go to the cinema? -( ).
A. I like cinemas
B. Last week and the week before
C. I've never been to the cinema
D. once a year
44.-I haven't seen Billy for 10 years. -( )
A. Either have I.
B. So have I.
C. Haven't I.
D. Neither have I.
45.I have no idea ( ).
A. where has he gone
B. he was where
C. where he has gone
D. where he was
46.-Thank you for your invitation and the nice coffee. -( ).
A. It's no trouble at all
B. It was something small
C. But the coffee was not very good
D. My pleasure. I hope you'll come again
47.It was ( )hot that we had to open all the office windows.
A. 不填
B. too
C. so
D. such
48.( )her last Saturday, I would have told her the news.
A. If I met
B. Have I met
C. If I had met
D. If I have met
49.The teacher has done all ( )he can to help her students.
A. which
B. what
C. -
D. when
50.-May I see the menu, please? -( ).
A. That is the menu, sir
B. Yes, please go on
C. Here you are, sir
D. Of course, sir
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