李老师 发表于 2016-9-14 19:25:22


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V
1.In the United States, her album sales ___ those of Madonna and Michael Jackson.
A. compete
B. compete with
C. rival with
D. rival
2.Although people were ___ to Sade, she enjoyed it.
A. different
B. indifferent
C. indifference
D. undifferent
3.I think there are real dangers from___surgery.
A. beauty
B. cosmetic
C. face
D. skin
4.There are many examples of societies ___ people have done so much to be more beautiful.
A. which
B. where
C. at which
D. that
5.Her fourth album sold only a ___of her first two albums.
A. fraction
B. part
C. bit
D. section
6.What do you think of society’s ___ideas about what is beautiful.
A. present
B. now
C. current
D. currency
7.A statue was erected at ___ public expense.
A. considering
B. considerate
C. considerable
D. considered
8.Sade leapt to fame with the ___ of her debut single Your Love Is King.
A. production
B. issue
C. emission
D. release
9.Sade is a very ___ person and doesn’t want to attract public notice.
A. selfish
B. personal
C. individule
D. private
10.Many fans thought that Sade’s fourth album was too much like her ___ abbums.
A. before
B. previous
C. beforehand
D. predicated
11.I don’t ___ you that that is all ridiculous.
A. agree with
B. agree on
C. agree to
D. agree
12.It makes me wonder why they liked us ___.
A. firstly
B. in the first position
C. in the first place
D. in the first face
13.Nowadays many women ___ to make themselves beautiful.
A. go to any best
B. go to any width
C. get to any lengths
D. go to great lengths
14.These are all ___ in which people have been forced by society to endure much physical pain and suffering…
A. examples
B. instances
C. cases
D. environment
15.Judging people ___ their appearance is silly.
A. by
B. on
C. with
D. for
16.Her music was played everywhere, and her face appeared on ___ magazine covers.
A. countable
B. countless
C. incountable
D. counted
17.I ___be out when he called.
A. happened to
B. happened
C. was happening to
D. happen
18.Her face appeared on innumerable magazine covers, and she was ___ by the media.
A. confused
B. caught
C. hounded
D. followed
19.Between her third and fourth albums, there was a ___ of four years.
A. gap
B. generation
C. space
D. time
20.It’s ___everyone to decide what is right for themselves.
A. for
B. of
C. up to
D. up
21.You stay with her although she finds fault with you ___ .
A. all times
B. all time
C. time to time
D. all the time
22.I don’t see there is any real ___ in looking back at all these quaint old customs.
A. point
B. meaning
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