李老师 发表于 2016-9-6 21:09:41


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V
1.The old woman_____her thanks by sending the volunteer a little gift.
A. expressed
B. exposed
C. exported
D. explored
2.When the film was being shot on location, so many people stopped to watch that traffic _________.
A. came to halt
B. came to a halt
C. came up to halt
D. came up to
3.At such a time of crisis, we must try to_____differences of race or class and unite together.
A. set forth.
B. set back.
C. set down.
D. set aside.
4.That small country has ______ independence.
A. ordered
B. exclaimed
C. performed
D. declared
5.Mr. Zhang is very popular_____his students.
A. by.
B. with.
C. to.
D. for.
6.Someone is at the door. _____must be Mr. Black.
A. He.
B. It.
C. This.
D. That. A
7.When she found her child was running a high fever, she ________ took him to hospital.
A. promptly
B. prompt
C. promote
D. property
8.It was his rudeness in the interview_____probably lost him the jod.
A. which.
B. since.
C. that.
D. what.
9.It’s obvious that wooden bridge are inferior_____concrete bridges.
A. with.
B. against.
C. for.
D. to.
10.Everybody needs at least _____ shoes in his daily life.
A. a piece of
B. a cake of
C. a herd of
D. a pair of
11.It’s requested that the rent for the house_____in advance.
A. will be paid
B. has to be paid
C. should have to be paid
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查看完整版本: 《英语Ⅰ》16年9月补考作业考核
