李老师 发表于 2016-9-3 17:19:56


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V
1.There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldn’t_____falling over it in the darkness.
A. awake.
B. resist.
C. avoi
E. prevent.
2.Betty is quite_____of cooking a meal for 8 people.
A. able.
B. manageable.
C. possible.
D. capable.
3.was usual with him, he reviewed all the facts of the case after he had made the decision.
A. As
B. Such
C. So
D. What
4.He has recently got an interesting ______ in a steel works.
A. job
B. employment
C. work
D. occupation
5.I can’t_____what I’m doing while the noise is going on.
A. get up.
B. point out.
C. concentrate on.
D. mix up.
6.There’s no beer left and the pubs are shut so you’ll have to_____.
A. go out.
B. go off.
C. go without.
D. go through.
7.You can’t imagine that an educated gentleman_____ be so rude to a lady.
A. might.
B. need
C. should
D. would
8._____people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.
A. Tens of thousands of.
B. Ten thousands of.
C. Several millions.
D. Many million.
9.I find_____important that we practice English every day.
A. it.
B. this.
C. that.
D. what.
10.He is bad-tempered, selfish, and_____an unpleasant man.
A. somehow.
B. altogether.
C. otherwise.
D. anyway.
11.When they met, they stopped and said hello to _____.
A. each other
B. each another
C. the other each
D. each one
12.The representatives of the two sides have now agreed _______ the proposals to be put before their members.
A. on
B. with
C. to
D. about
13.These students are quick_____learning, we’ll have them trained in effective methods.
A. from.
B. for.
C. at.
D. on.
14.___ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.
A. Several million
B. Many millions
C. Several millions
D. Many million of
15.—You look rather tired today. —_____not to miss the 5:20 flight, I didn’t dare to close my eyes.
A. Reminding.
B. Reminded
C. Being reminded
D. Having reminded B
16.“Can’t you read?” Elizabeth said_____to the notice.
A. angrily pointing.
B. and point angrily.
C. angrily pointe
E. and angrily pointing.
17.The salesman felt so lonely that he was often seen to _______ pictures of his family.
A. get out
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