李老师 发表于 2016-9-2 13:16:40


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V
1.He showed ______ in dealing with a defeated enemy.
A. generous
B. generosity
C. generate
D. generation
2.I’m ______ your endless complaining.
A. put up with
B. caught up with
C. fed up with
D. kept up with
3.His training ______ him as a teacher of English.
A. qualify
B. quality
C. qualifies
D. quantity
4.I only bought these shoes last week, and they’re falling ______ already.
A. down
B. away
C. out
D. apart
5.She called her parents just to tell them that she had become ______ to life at the university.
A. accumulated
B. accustomed
C. absorbed
D. changed
6.Charles is fond ______ driving, so I’m happy just to be a passenger.
A. in
B. on
C. to
D. of
7.Recent events will make a significant impact ______ government policy.
A. to
B. in
C. with
D. on
8.He ran ______ twice from his boarding school because he couldn’t put up with being limited in an institution.
A. in
B. over
C. away
D. down
9.To be financially well ______, you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young.
A. away
B. off
C. up
D. out
10.The girl found it difficult to ______ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.
A. adapt
B. adopt
C. change
D. shift
11.A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ____ new operating procedures.
A. result in
B. match with
C. subject to
D. proceed with
12.Bicycling is a good exercise; ______, it doesn’t pollute the air.
A. however
B. therefore
C. moreover
D. though
13._____ your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.
A. Concerning
B. Concern
C. Regarded
D. Regard
14.The house was very quiet, _______ as it was on the side of a mountain.
A. isolated
B. being isolated
C. isolating
D. having been isolated
15.The World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2001, when ______ took over two large airplanes and drove them into the buildings.
A. terror
B. terrorists
C. terrorism
D. terrorize
16.The doctor should be here soon. ______ the meantime, try to relax.
A. At
B. On
C. In
D. From
17.Lawyers _____ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients.
A. provide
B. supply
C. accuse
D. charge
18.At first ______, Manhattan seems to be a city of high-rises, blinding lights and a crazy pace.
A. glare
B. stare
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