李老师 发表于 2016-9-1 11:57:36


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)V
1.The old woman_____her thanks by sending the volunteer a little gift.
A. expressed
B. exposed
C. exported
D. explored
2.When the film was being shot on location, so many people stopped to watch that traffic _________.
A. came to halt
B. came to a halt
C. came up to halt
D. came up to
3.At such a time of crisis, we must try to_____differences of race or class and unite together.
A. set forth.
B. set back.
C. set down.
D. set aside.
4.That small country has ______ independence.
A. ordered
B. exclaimed
C. performed
D. declared
5.Mr. Zhang is very popular_____his students.
A. by.
B. with.
C. to.
D. for.
6.Someone is at the door. _____must be Mr. Black.
A. He.
B. It.
C. This.
D. That. A
7.When she found her child was running a high fever, she ________ took him to hospital.
A. promptly
B. prompt
C. promote
D. property
8.It was his rudeness in the interview_____probably lost him the jod.
A. which.
B. since.
C. that.
D. what.
9.It’s obvious that wooden bridge are inferior_____concrete bridges.
A. with.
B. against.
C. for.
D. to.
10.Everybody needs at least _____ shoes in his daily life.
A. a piece of
B. a cake of
C. a herd of
D. a pair of
11.It’s requested that the rent for the house_____in advance.
A. will be paid
B. has to be paid
C. should have to be paid
D. should be paid
12.Ten people,_____three women and two children, were injured in the accident.
A. including.
B. inclining.
C. inclosing.
D. inclusive
13.You can improve your writing by keeping a_____.
A. diary.
B. dairy.
C. dictation.
D. calendar.
14.The old lady showed her ______ by giving the beggar several dollars.
A. benevolence
B. advantage
C. prosperity
D. dignity
15.The new office boy seemed smart and ________ when he reported for work.
A. attractive
B. individual
C. energetic
D. energy
16.I was paid last week, but I can’t remember the exact_____of money.
A. number.
B. quality.
C. amount.
D. altitude.
17.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard_____voice.
A. a better.
B. a best.
C. the better.
D. the best.
18.The lecture began before we _____.
A. were seating
B. were seated
C. were sit
D. seated
19.Sale goods in this shop are not_____.
A. change.
B. exchange.
C. exchangeable.
D. changeable.
20.In 1950, the place where his mother had been buried was finally discovered, marked only by_____, on a simple stone.
A. a 45-number.
B. the number 45rd
C. the number 45.
D. the 45 number.
21.We need an umbrella on the beach to give us some_____at midday.
A. shadow.
B. shade.
C. shallow.
D. shell.
22.I would appreciate_____very much if you could give me some advice.
A. this.
B. that.
C. it.
D. you.
23.As excellent work leads to promotions and wage increases, the workers have greater ______ to produce.
A. motive
B. incentive
C. intention
D. energy
24.Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do.
A. it, it.
B. what, what.
C. it, what.
D. what, it. C
25.I think your bedroom needs_____.
A. cleane
C. to clean.
D. cleaning.
E. being cleane
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查看完整版本: 《英语Ⅰ》16年9月补考作业考核
