李老师 发表于 2016-6-16 19:39:24


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.– Do you know where I can repair my motorcar? – _______.
A. I have just bought a new one
B. It's cheap to repair a motorcar
C. Around the street corner
D. You drive too fast to damage it
2.– Would you like to see the menu? – _______.
A. No, thanks. I already know what to order
B. Your menu is very clear
C. I hear the food here is tasty
D. The setting is very comfortable
3.The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to_______what he was saying.
A. take in
B. take out
C. take up
D. take over
4.There wasn't any paper in the box,_______?
A. wasn't there
B. was there
C. wasn't any
D. was any
5.– Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? – _______.
A. The express train is expensive
B. OK. I'll give you a hand
C. Sorry, the express bus has gone
D. On your right. It'll leave in 5 minutes
6.The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible_______the explosions that happened last month in London.
A. for
B. on
C. at
D. about
7.– Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? – _______.
A. Certainly. Here you are
B. Please don't mention it
C. It's nothing
D. Yes, I have a hand
8.– Why are you so late? – _______.
A. It's a shame
B. I came across an old friend
C. Never mind
D. That's all right
9.– Help yourself to the steak, Maggie. – ( ).
A. Sorry, I've had enough
B. Thank you, Helen
C. Yes. But it isn't cooked well
D. Help yourself to it, too
10.I_______finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.
A. have to
B. don't have to
C. must
D. mustn't
11.– Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00. – ( ).
A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes
B. Thank you. No hurry
C. Never mind. You go if you like
D. The lecture is useful
12.– What's the weather like in your hometown? – _______.
A. It's a nice place
B. I like the food there
C. He asks me whether I like the weather
D. It's cold in winter and hot in summer
13.– What subjects are you studying? – _______.
A. Yes, I'm studying history
B. I'm studying now
C. I'm studying philosophy
D. I'm doing my homework
14.– Well, Mary, how are you? – _______.
A. I'm good
B. I'm pleased
C. I'm fine
D. I'm nice
15.We advised him to give up smoking,_______a lot of exercise.
A. to do
B. and to do
C. and do
D. and doing
16.Let's go to the cinema,_______?
A. will you shan't we
B. shan't we
C. don't we
D. shall we
17.He asked me_______English culture.
A. about
B. of
C. for
D. on
18.– Can I take your order now? – _______.
A. Thank you for your offer
B. Sorry, it's beyond my order
C. By no means
D. Just a moment. Two friends are coming
19.– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. – _______.
A. Either have I
B. Neither have I
C. Haven't I
D. So have I
20.Jack enjoys_______Peking Opera.
A. listen to
B. listening
C. listen
D. listening to

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查看完整版本: 《开放英语》在线作业一
