李老师 发表于 2016-6-14 16:45:26


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.We were in Paris for two days, so we took the ____ of visiting the Louver.
A. chance
B. opportunity
C. activity
D. luck
2.The teacher praised and rewarded the good ________ of his students in class.
A. status
B. behavior
C. function
D. signal
3.The historical and cultural background to the play has been very carefully and thoroughly ___.
A. searched
B. researched
C. sourced
D. reserved
4.She __________ him to help her to find answers to her problems.
A. learned from
B. came into
C. leaned on
D. looked at
5.The method he used turned out to be _______ in improving the students' English.
A. effective
B. able
C. capable
D. explicit
6.Twenty years ago it was common to see people _________ from hunger on the streets in that poor nation, but clearly the situation has improved greatly since then.
A. calling
B. preventing
C. resulting
D. collapsing
7.Some pupils fill their spare time ____ computer games. It is really a waste of time.
A. with
B. by
C. to
D. into
8.She had to __________ several times a night when her baby was ill.
A. call out
B. get ahead
C. wake up
D. come to
9.After Billy proved that he could ride a bicycle safely, his father ___ to him and bought him one.
A. give off
B. give in
C. give out
D. give back
10.When spring comes in that part of the world, the trees just burst ____ life.
A. in
B. into
C. to
D. toward
11.Only by combining our efforts ____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing.
A. into
B. onto
C. within
D. with
12.I longed to have the opportunity of participating ____ the activities.
A. for
B. in
C. on
D. of
13.Do it right ____ , or it will be late.
A. along
B. way
C. away
D. down
14.Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing ____.
A. by
B. up
C. in
D. to
15.She was putting on her jeans ________ me to hand her the sweater.
A. while asked
B. asked
C. asking
D. while asking
16.Even great ____ require continuous practice.
A. music
B. musical
C. musicians
D. museum
17.It is very difficult for the time being to ________ how much money is needed.
A. account
B. assume
C. range
D. estimate
18.What a ________ smell! Open the window and air the room.
A. disgusting
B. pleasing
C. powerful
D. disturbing
19.He spent two weeks working out a plan. Unfortunately, it did not quite ___ in practice.
A. come out
B. come off
C. come about
D. come to
20.The doctor suggested that the patient take some ____ exercise, such as walking. It is not good to stay in bed all the time.
A. slight
B. little
C. light
D. tiny
21.The book offers some advice about how to make a good ________ on job interviews.
A. attitude
B. appearance
C. effect
D. impression
22.I dozed ____ in the middle of the meeting and missed his speech.
A. off
B. down
C. about
D. over
23.On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly ran ____ by a speeding car.
A. after
B. about
C. across
D. over
24.No matter what you say, I'm coming ________.
A. anyway
B. any way
C. in a way
D. in the way
25.That Sandy wears ________ makeup annoys her mother.
A. very much
B. very
C. that much
D. so
26.Visitors are kindly ____ not to touch the paintings when they are in the art museum.
A. required
B. requested
C. inquired
D. acquired
27.Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human beings.
A. aware
B. unique
C. absolute
D. continual
28.After a long period of regular exercise, I now _____ much less than I used to.
A. weigh
B. like
C. grow
D. increase
29.The doctor gave her some medicine. After she took it, she didn’t ___ for two days.
A. come out
B. come off
C. come about
D. come to
30.The boss refused to give any _______ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs.
A. response
B. comment
C. answer
D. reply
31.People working in the government should not ______ business affairs that might change their political judgment.
A. engage in
B. hope for
C. choose between
D. pick on
32.The teacher had uncommon insight ____ children’s feelings.
A. in
B. into
C. on
D. onto
33.A Greek trading ship is making ____ the Panama Canal.
A. up
B. for
C. out
D. of
34.The old man hasn’t heard ____ his son for a long time. This makes him really worried.
A. by
B. for
C. in
D. from
35.A child of two years old usually enjoys taking ___ everything that he can get.
A. back
B. aback
C. after
D. apart
36.The Chinese government took ____ the administration of Hong Kong from Britain on July 1, 1997.
A. up
B. down
C. after
D. over
37.Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city.
A. rose
B. raised
C. arose
D. produced
38.She is used to having an Oxford English dictionary ____ easy reach when she is working.
A. in
B. with
C. within
D. by
39.He could be ________ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child.
A. visual
B. critical
C. favorite
D. essential
40.This project money is intended ____ the Hope Project only. Nobody is allowed to make use of it for other purposes.
A. for
B. to
C. toward
D. with
41.After three days of ____ travel, they arrived in Tibet.
A. repeated
B. continual
C. continuous
D. unbroken
42.I got a little ________ when I learned that the appointment with the general manager was changed to another time.
A. concerned
B. distracted
C. upset
D. awful
43.The school has ____ some top students.
A. turned away
B. turned up
C. turned in
D. turned out
44.The line was engaged and the operator asked if I’d like to ____.
A. hang about
B. hang back
C. hang on
D. hang out
45.When you're in Paris you can't help being ________ of the way the streets are kept clean.
A. effective
B. relaxed
C. conscious
D. obvious
46.With the spring flowers in bloom, the city of long history is now taking __ another look.
A. on
B. to
C. off
D. in
47.Students have access ____ the library during the vacation.
A. in
B. by
C. to
D. at
48.We must ________ our attention on the question of reducing our cost.
A. pay
B. focus
C. absorb
D. promote
49.It would have taken hours to work the answer out, so I ____ my pocket calculator.
A. turned in
B. turned up
C. turned to
D. turned out
50.The noise disturbed the entire ____.
A. neighbor
B. neighboring
C. neighborhood
D. neighbors
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